Chapter Fifteen

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I whip around at the sound of the door, coming face to face with my Step-Mom.

Her eyes take in my parents' unruly appearances and my Mom's lack of clothing.

Dad's zipper is down. I feel my jaw go slack.

My parents just cheated on their spouses with each other, with the spouses in the other room! My stepmother walked in!


I glance at my Dad, gesturing wilding to the zipper of my jeans. His eyes get even wider if possible and he yanks his zipper up.

Sam stands there, her mouth open slightly. Her right hand clutches the doorknob. Mom puts her shirt on again, and instead of being inside and backwards, it's just backwards. I make a rotation motion with my hand and she frantically pulls her arms out of the sleeves and rotates her shirt, stuffing her arms back through.

Oh god, this is just too great! They both look flustered and out of breath. Their hair is a mess!

What the hell were they thinking? Why were they having sex! They're divorced!

Sam is rigid, taking in the scene.

The next thing I know, she's across the room, beating the shit out of my Mom and screaming at her. Dad starts yelling and my Mom starts cussing back at her, and I start yelling something, I don't even know what's leaving my mouth as I sprint across the room and wrench Sam off of my Mom. She shoves me, pressing me back into Mom, who is pressed against the washer, screaming, " Get the fuck out of my way, you bastard child!"

I'm yelling back at her to calm the fuck down, pushing her shoulders. Mom is reaching over me since she's much taller than me.

Somehow I got the short end of the stick, with my Mom being five foot eight and my Dad being six foot two.

Mom said I have my Grandma's height.

Mom is smacking Sam from over my shoulders and Sam is smacking me to get to my Mom. I notice the Griffith's rushing in too, With Mitchell and Kyle. Nobody has any clue what just happened. I grab Sam's wrists and shove her back forcefully into the wall to my right.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" She roars, squirming.

"Don't call my kid a bitch!" Mom screams back at her.

"Don't sleep with my husband, you fucking home wrecker!"

"What?" Mitchell asks. His eyes zero in on my Dad. "What?!"

He charges at him, but Drew and Preston are holding him back. Kyle rushes towards my Dad to beat the shit out of him for hurting his father, but Tyler grabs him and restrains him, his muscles bulging. When my focus is on Tyler's sexy muscles, Sam shoves me roughy, knocking me into Tyler. His right arm leaves his grip on Kyle to grab me and stop me from falling, but Kyle uses the opportunity to charge at my Dad, fists swinging.

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