Ima Monster

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Ashley's POV

I layed in bed, staring up at my black ceiling.


About what, you ask?

The new kid. He's a real asshole.

I finally rolled out of bed and gloomily dragged myself downstairs.

"Ashley?" I heard my grandmother call.


"Be a dear and take out the trash?"

I groaned, but complied. While I was dragging the full trash bag out the front door, I saw a hint of black in the corner of my eye. I stopped in my driveway when I saw the new kid walking down my road.

What if he lives here??

I grinned and raised my hand in the air. "Hey! New kid!"

He froze in place, shooting me a fearful glance. Once he realized who I was though, his shoulders relaxed. I walked towards him and he stood still, like a deer in the headlights.

"Hey, relax," I tried, offering a gentle smile. "I'm Ashley..remember?" I held out my hand towards him and he stared at it for a minute before slowly reaching out and shaking it. His hand was so frail- and why was his skin so white?

"Are you a vampire?" I blurted.

He cocked his head slightly, and then I heard him speak. "N-no.." The simple word came out in a raspy stutter.

"Well..uhm...what's your name?"

He sighed. "Andy." His answer came quietly, as if he was afraid to speak up. I decided to try something.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?"

He glared at me through his jet black hair, and I could just barely see the glow of his ice blue yes underneath. "I said, Andy." He seethed, his voice raising as his own name passed his lips. A deep, almost demonic growl sounded behind each word he spoke, and I swore I saw the glint of sharp, white canine teeth.

Hoooly shit.

The End of Your Beginning (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now