Beautiful and Tragic Fallout

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*Ashley's POV*

Nobody had seen andy in 3 days since he ran away.

Away from me. I know it's my fault.

But how was I going to fix this when I didn't even know where he was? Then again, thinking back to that day I remember him running off towards the park situated just outside of our little neighborhood.

Could he still be there?

It was Saturday, and I hadn't planned on doing anything. What better to do than go search for him.

So I left the house, not bothering to let anyone know where I was going, in the direction of the park. I observed my surroundings as always, but something kept distracting me. Guilt is a horrible thing. What if Andy got hurt running from me? What if he..hurt himself again?

By now I had picked up speed as my thoughts got worse and worse, possibilities of even the beautiful boy's death crossing my mind.

What I saw next brought me such an incredible mix of relief and horror.

Andy, curled up under a shady tree, seemingly sleeping. I was incredibly relieved to see him laying there- and vaguely wondered why I hadn't come looking here earlier- yet terrified that it didn't look like he was breathing.

I ran to him and turned him over on his side immediately.

"Andy!" I gasped, seeing his lip torn and bloody, his face bruised and him bleeding from his leg horrendously.

"Shit shit shit..." I mumbled over and over again, cradling his thin frame and staring down at his pale face. I didn't waste any more time. I picked him up and ran off towards the hospital.

It took me 30 minutes to get there by foot, but it was worth the aching I was feeling all over.

"Help!" I yelled out, nearly breaking down the door to the place, "Somebody please help! He's dying!" I screamed, hot tears streaking down my face by now.

Soon enough, the doctors came and took him away from me. I tried to follow him, but two male doctors came and held me back. I'll admit, I was ready to fucking kill someone. I'm glad that they were able to eventually settle me down, because in all honestly I could've easily taken someone out right then and there.

All I could do now was sit alone and cry, hoping that my fallen angel was at least alive.

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