Fatally Lovestruck

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*Andy's POV*

I quickly realized what I had done and began to panic. I wanted to run, but suddenly my feet were blocks of iron underneath me, refusing to budge.

"Andy..." I heard Ashley say quietly as my vision became blurry and my breath wouldn't come back to me. Before I knew it I was blacked out, the last thing I felt being Ashley's arms wrapped tight around me before I hit the ground.

When I woke up, I had a massive headache.

"Whaah..?" I mumbled, running my fingers unsuccessfully through my messy black hair.

"Andy? Are you awake?" Ashley suddenly ran into the room, grabbing my hand and smiling with such a look of relief. "Andy I was so worried!"

I yawned, being sure to turn away as to not expose my canine teeth.

"How..long?" I asked sleepily.

Ashley's grip on my hand softened, as well as his already gentle gaze.

"Three days."

I choked on air and shot straight up. Er..gay up. Let's just say if I were to fall for a human, it would NOT be a female.

"Three DAYS?!" I barked, my yelling coming out as a sound similar to a large dog in distress.

He blinked, surprised at my sudden burst of life, but quickly regained himself.

"Uh, yeah...three days. You blacked out after..you, uhm...yeah."

I searched my mind, trying to remember what he was talking about. Then I remembered.

I had nearly exposed my identity to someone I don't even know. "E-excuse me..." I stuttered, climbing out of a bed I guessed was his and locking myself in the nearest bathroom.

"Andy?" He called worriedly from the other side of the door. I looked into the mirror. I was pale, as always- but now I was even thinner. I'm unnaturally thin... and tall.

What's wrong with me?

I leaned in closer to the mirror, lifting up my raven hair to stare directly into my own eyes. They were a piercing bright blue, flaring out from my black slit pupil in a circle.

I groaned quietly and dropped my pathetic hair back in my face. When I opened the bathroom door, Ashley was standing there with a worried expression.

"What?" I asked.

"Andy...look at your shirt.." He said with an uncomfortable tone of sympathy.

I looked down and to my own horror found that he had changed my shirt. I had been wearing a black long sleeved shirt when I fell asleep, and I was now wearing a dark grey hoodie with nothing on underneath..that means...

"I saw..." He said, barely above a whisper. "Everything."

No. "I..I don't believe you!" I growled defensively.

"I saw it, Andy! Everything!" Ashley yelled, his voice cracking just as a glint of light revealed itself in a tear streaking down his face. "I saw the slits in your wrist, the ones that had s-stitches..." He swallowed back the urge to cry more before continuing, "I saw the carvings. Andy, who did that to you?"

I stepped back but unfortunately my back hit a wall. "N-nobody..." I whimpered out pathetically, shrinking into my shoulders slightly.

Suddenly his eyes widened in realization. "Did...w-was it you..?" He asked, staring directly at were my eyes would be if they weren't hidden from my hair all of the time.

"I have to go." I said quickly, attempting to run past him but being caught by the sleeve. I yelped sharply and turned around in surprised, sinking my teeth right into his arm that had grabbed me.

"SHIT!" He screamed, letting me go and falling back on the floor. I ran to the closest corner of his room and hid, shaking violently and licking his blood off my sharp canines.

"A..Andy..?" He stuttered, obviously just as scared as I was.

"What are you?"

The End of Your Beginning (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now