In The End

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*Ashley's POV*

Andy moved in with me a week later.

It's been three years now, and by now it's safe to say we're in love.

We moved in to our apartment that we have now a little less than a year ago, and not once have we had a big fight.

Of course, we've shared a few insignificant little couples' quarrels, but that's just normal. We argue about little things, like how he just has to sleep on the foot of the bed at night, and how he will never eat a vegetable if by his choice (they make him sick).

Soon after he got out of the hospital that day, he had told me everything.

He had no idea who his original parents were, or how exactly it came to be- but he was raised by wolves.

He explained that he must have been lost, but he was found by them. They took little baby Andy in, and soon enough every night his angels were singing him to sleep.

He lived like them for so long, hunting, growling, avoiding humans at all costs...

Until the one day everything he ever loved burned away.

He explained to me in excruciating detail how he had ran, burning his feet and hands, straining his lungs to breath in the black ash.

He began crying as he was telling me the story, but he willed himself on.

He had blacked out somewhere just outside the forest, and wouldn't have made it if it hadn't been for the fire department, attempting to contain the fire.

Imagine their shock when they saw a 4 year old boy running from the woods on his hands and feet, burnt, charred and scarred.

After weeks of recovery, he was labeled "mentally traumatized", and adopted out to a family who took care of special needs children.

They named him Andy.


Andy slowly began learning how to walk properly, speak, and even to feel compassion and love for another being.

It was the family's dog who had taught him this. Maggie, a 4-year-old Black Labrador Retriever. Andy would cuddle with Maggie at the foot of his adoptive parents' bed, and refused to sleep anywhere else.

Other than that, he lived as a normal human. He ran away at 13, hiding away for years in different neighborhoods, towns, states. He had to make up new names for himself frequently, his favorites being Christian Coma, Jinxx Ferguson, and Jake Pitts.

During this time, Andy was a depressed train wreck. He'd purposely cut himself with broken glass and sharp metal he found in people's garbage and houses. He would have people help him because he was always afraid of death when it came down to staring it in the face, but once people took him in he'd steal their food and clothes and he'd run.

He lived this way until he ended up in Ashley Purdy's neighborhood.

Ashley Purdy, the man he ended up falling in love with.

Andy, now registered a legal citizen as Andrew Dennis Biersack, lives happier with Ash than he ever could if they had never met. Ashley truly was the boy's Saviour.


{ I greatly apologize for this load-of-shit ending, but I just wasn't quite feeling the story anymore, ya' know? Anyways, while I'm still shocked and honored that people took time out of their lives to read my writing, I do acknowledge that fact. If you are reading this, you're fuxking amazing. Rock on, BVB army!! }

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