...I'd Ask You To be True

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*Andy's POV*

Everything is dark. On any other day, I'd embrace the dark. It has always been were I'm safe, where I'm comfortable... where I can't hurt anyone, and nobody can hurt me.

But this type of dark was different. It was terrifying, the kind of dark that cannot be simply melted away by the ember glow of a light on your command. This dark was neverending, surrounding, suffocating.

And the worst part...

I couldn't figure out why I was here, wherever the hell here is.
It seemed like I had been in this place for an eternity, but I had no clue how long it had actually been.

Am I...dead?

I was pondering over this theory when I heard something. The first sound I had heard since I'd been here. An impossibly quiet, echoing voice coming at me from every existing direction.

"..Ple...s...wa..." I heard faintly through the desperate whispers.

My eyes shot open.

I know that voice!

"Wait..A-Ash?" I called out into the nothingness.

The voice was gone...more silence.

"Ashley!! SAVE ME!" I screamed, falling to my knees. I was afraid. For the first time in a long, long time; I felt true fear. My eyes burned with hot, salty water, and soon the tears were streaming down my face.

The non-comprehendible whispering erupted into an incredibly loud, maniacal chuckle.

"Foolish, foolish boy you are Andy..." An unrecognizable voice replaced my beloved Ashley's.

"You'll NEVER WAKE UP!!"

I couldn't stand this nightmare anymore.

"I don't...wan..t t-to..." I choked out, silence falling over all of the space around me.

"I want to die. It's what I've always wanted. I have tried, and tried, and tried. I don't know where the fuck I am, who you are or what any of this is, but I want to die!" I screamed, my own voice echoing back at me.


Nothing. But. Silence.

I sat in the empty space, defeated, broken more than I had ever been before.

But then, faintly...so, so faintly it was a miracle the distant word fragment was even audible, I heard my angel's voice again...


What does that mean..?


Cry..ing. Someone is crying?

"He's crying!" I heard, far more clearly. Ashley... please, save me...

The End of Your Beginning (Andley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora