I'm Scared to Get Close

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*Andy's POV*

Ashley stared at me with something that surprisingly wasn't horror. Usually people have whipped out their phone and called the cops by now, and then I'd be heading out for a new town, in a new city...

But not Ashley.

I wondered what he was thinking...and I didn't even remember I had left my glacial eyes exposed-until he said something, at least.

"What is with your eyes?" He inquired, seemingly with genuine fascination.

I shook my head quickly, allowing my downy opaque hair to descend across my pastel face.

"Nothin'." I responded rather curtly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I was on my way to my new house."

I turned to leave, but he caught my arm. I snapped my teeth together to keep from biting him and let out a low, maniacal snarl.

Then came the question again.

"What are you?" I stared at him for a minute-his features each had beautiful sharp, yet soft edges.

"I'm Andy." I replied bluntly.

"No shit Sherlock." He rolled his eyes. "I mean, obviously you're different... you growled for fuck's sake." I really wished he would shut up at this point.

Tell him the truth, Andy...come on, he wants to know. He truly wants to know. "I'm just a regular teenager." No, what the hell are you doing? "Stop caring." Andy, what the- "Leave me alone." And with that, my body took me away from Ashley, leaving him with those cruel words before I could stop it. I don't want to leave....but my body doesn't ever listen to me.

The End of Your Beginning (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now