I Hate Being Alone

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*Andy's POV*

What the hell is wrong with me?

I probably just scared off the only person who was willing to care about me.

I sat in my bedroom, my walls already painted black. The smell of fresh paint never failed to make me cringe, but it was far better than being surrounded by white.

White... What a horrid shade.

***Next Day***

I woke up in a sheet burrito and heard my jaw crack as I yawned. I glanced at the clock to find that I had half an our to get ready. Great.

After what had to have been the quickest shower of my life, I blow-tried my hair, rimmed my eyes with black, and left. I was going to be late, but who gave a shit.

As I passed Ashley's house, I was suddenly overcome with guilt. He's a nice boy... I thought. Pretty cute too...

Before I had a chance to even process my own thoughts properly, I was at Ashley's front door. I knocked gently, trying to avoid injury to my frail knuckles.

The door was open in seconds, and there he stood before me, most likely expecting a reason as to why I was here.

"I...I..uhm...h-hi..?" I offered weakly.

He chuckled softly and pulled me into a hug. "I was worried about you." He whispered.

Normally, in the embrace of a human I would feel threatened and instantly become hostile. but there was something about Ashley that I just... I don't know, liked.

"Come on, boy. We've got school." He laughed a little, fluffing my raven hair.

"Don't treat me like a dog!" I growled, balling my hands into fists as he let me go.

"But don't you like pretending to be a dog?" He asked, cocking his head to the right slightly.

This comment caused me to bare my canine teeth and snarl deeply from deep in my chest.

"You think this is all a game?" I snapped, suddenly feeling that old hostility coming back. "I'm a wolf you idiot!!" I snapped, instantly regretting what I'd just told him.

What he did next surprised me.

He laughed.

He laughed at me.

"Alright, come on then fido." He grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me off to his car.

Was the really that stupid? To ignore me like that?

I yanked my arm free of his hold. "I'm not going." I snapped before taking off in the direction of the park.

The End of Your Beginning (Andley)Where stories live. Discover now