Chapter 15 : Marks

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"Father," Shuo Gang said. He is currently informing his father of what happened. The fire king was angry at the outcome at first but after some time he had calm down.

"You said that the servant is skilled in fighting?"

"Yes, father. I saw him fight. Not only that but he has an acute intelligence. I saw that his attacks were calculated. He knew where, how fast and how strong it should be. Hei Feng didn't stand a chance at all."

"Then let them be. If he could defeat Hei Feng that easily, then he's not one to mess with. Besides, you said that he is loyal to your sister which is good. A person like that will be an asset to us. Be thankful that he's on our side. Think of another way to get the ice crystal. Hei Feng maybe the king now but I doubt that he truly knows where the ice crystal really is. Find the former king."

"Yes, father." Shuo Gang said.

With Yan Da and Yun Fei...

"Are you alright?" Yan Da asked, looking at the man in front of her.

"I'm fine." Yun Fei replied, smiling.

"Liar," she said, poking his ribs. Yun Fei crouched down. 

"I dare you to lie to me again. Hei Feng's last punch got you. I saw. Now, sit here beside me. I'll heal it."

Yun Fei winched, following her orders. Yan Da gently, put her hand above his body. Closing her eyes, she let her energy flow into him.

Yun Fei gasped, feeling how her energy enveloped his being. Honestly, it felt like she was marking him.

Not long, he was all healed. "Thanks."

"I should be the one saying that. Thank you for winning. I'd have probably kill myself if... *sigh* anyway. You're my fiancé now. So, you can now really freely call me Yan Da even when others are around."She said, meeting his eyes. She then leaned forward, resting her head on his chest. "Tired?"

Yan Da nodded. "I didn't sleep at all last night. I was really anxious and worried about the fight."

Yun Fei smiled, kissing the top of her head. "Sleep."

 A minute later and fire princess was fast asleep. Hearing her soft breathing, Yun Fei chuckled. Pulling her closer into his arms.

Mine, he thought possessively. A mark then appeared on his wrist and on the fire princess's nape. Yun Fei studied them. He heard about these when he was still a child. It was often told by old men and women but some just brush them off as mere fantasy but now Yun Fei has proof. The mark of a promise.

They said that the god of promises will once and a while bless a couple. These couple will bear the mark of the one that they're promised to. The couple shouldn't be separated for so long because if they were they'll die. The same will happen if they didn't fulfill the promise they made.

Yun Fei looked at his mark again. Fireworks. He smiled. Yan Da does love fireworks. She often calls him out at night to light some up before sleeping.

Moving the fire princess's hair, he saw that hers are three cherry blossom petals. He gently caressed them. My favorite flower. The only thing that symbolizes me and my true identity. How fitting? But Yan Da will you still accept me if you find out who truly am?


Late at night...

Yun Fei left the camp, going to the cave where he found the former king of the bear tribe - Liao Jian.

"You're back," said the king. "Did you bring it?"

Yun Fei showed him the vial that's full of Hei Feng's blood. "I will give you this but you must be true to your word."

"Of course. I won't dishonor my name by breaking a promise."

Yun Fei then throw the vial on the chains holding the former bear king. Not long, Liao Jian is finally free.

He was about to go but then Yun Fei stopped him. "Not too fast. If you attack now, you'll just be at a disadvantage. Attack in the morning. Be careful. Prince Shuo Gang is definitely looking for you."

Liao Jian stopped. "Tell me. You smell like the fire tribe but why is it that you're helping me?"

"Who said that my loyalty lies with them?"

"Then you're an ally of the ice tribe?"

Yun Fei met his gaze. "Wrong. I'm only loyal to my queen." He then left the cave.


Knowing that he wouldn't be able to sleep, Yun Fei went to the river.

"Good- looking, a skilled fighter, intelligent and charismatic. No wonder that Yan Da was totally captivated by you." He then heard the fire prince said in distaste from behind .

Yun Fei smirked. "You don't like me?"

"No. There's something about you that I don't trust. But father is right, there's no one fit for my sister anyway either in the immortal realm or here. You better take care of her or else."

"Hm, so you do care about her." Yun Fei observed, facing the fire prince.

"She maybe a pain in the head but she's still my sister," The fire prince answered. "I know her goals. That's why I kept on pushing her. She'll be a great queen someday. Don't tell her."

After saying that, the fire prince left.

"I don't have to," Yun Fei then said after a while, looking at the form behind the large tree near the river. "Isn't that right, Yan Da?" Meeting the fire princess teary eyes. 

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