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" 고맙습니다!" ( A/N this means thank you in Korean )
All the members were sat around the table eating their meal as a celebration for their performance that day. They were live so thousands of fans were watching at that moment.

JK: "Thank you everyone! We're so grateful for you all coming today and we eat in celebration of army"
TH: "We hope you enjoyed our performance and will continue to listen to our new album"
The members continued eating and discussing what videos ARMY wants with the live chat.
Around an hour later they turned off the live and was talking about how they thought they'd performed.
TH: "I thought jungkookie was brave to sing born singer with us and he hit the high note very well"
They all nodded in agreement making jungkook blush
JK: "it wasn't that great"
Taehyung was just about to say something when a member of staff told them that their cars was here to pick them up. Namjoon and Seokjin walked together, Jimin and Yoongi walked together with a hyper Hoseok by their side leaving Taehyung and jungkook to walk together.

JK: "so what was you going to say just then?"
TH: "erm.. I was.. just going to say that the performance was great!"
Something about taehyungs delay to speak seems off
JK: "oh.. okay"
I'm not sure that's what he was really going to say..
TH: "well we better catch up!"
Taehyung ran ahead leaving a confused jungkook to think about taehyungs words.

----- LATER ON -----

Jungkook was sat on his bed bored so he decided to text Taehyung.

Hey Tae 👋🏻

Hello jungkookie! What's up?

I'm just bored, and I
wanted to ask if you
wanted to go get lunch

Sounds great, we can go to
the cafe jins family runs at
12. Bye jungkook 😉

He put a wink?! Maybe he put it by accident

Bye Tae ☺️

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