This is Shiy

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                           "Welcome to Shiy,( SH ī ) a big village north of lost at sea and east of no where special. In a word: dangerous. It's been here for about 8 centuries, but nothing about it is old. We have duels, crime everywhere, fighting and an annoying view of the sunrise. But the only major problem the dragons." Grabbing a sword, the young girl continued, "While most people have to fight Nadders or Gronckles, we have --" she ducked under a rock to dodge a swooping dragon-- "Heaven Flyers." Small white dragons came from all angles."

                              "Most people consider us lucky, given that they're small. But that doesn't matter here," she ran away. "My name's Angel. Pretty name, I know. But they say I'm quiet the opposite. My people believe that a pretty name will bring good luck and fortune." She tripped over a rock, "Like I really need that here." She ran past a few Vikings who told her she's going to get what's coming to her if she didn't back indoors. A dragon was heading straight for her, but before she could hit it her sword, out of no where a mace hit it in the head. She turned to see her father. "Angel get inside before I tie you down to your bed!" he yelled. She scoffed before running in to a healers home. "That was Gorgon, the regal, chief of this place. They say when he was only a kid he took out an entire pack of Heaven flyer's before they even made it the village. But do I believe that? No I don't."

                                 "What's the size of the attack?" Gorgon turned to a Viking. "Two large packs are already here and three more are on the way." he responded. "Any alphas?" "Not so far." "Great."

                                    Angel opened the door to see a old lady prepping herbs for after the battle. "Good to see you're still alive, Angel" she said. "How could I be dead? I never am aloud to be in a dangerous spot."  She helped her prepare, while opening up a window for a few men to come up with injuries. She quickly patched them up and they were off the fight again. "The old women with the ridiculous hair, is Hera. I've been stuck helping her ever since I was a kid." Angel waited for the next person to arrive, but out of the corner of her eye she saw someone familiar. He was fighting the dragons recklessly , "Oh, there is very few people here my age, but at times I wish I was the only one. That's Holden, younger bother to.....," She watched as he was being defended by a rather muscular boy her age. She sighed as she saw him look at her and smile.

                                    "Titus," she looked back at him with disgusts,  hoping he would get hit by a fire ball before he got to the window. "Hello m'lady," he leaned closer to her as she stepped away. "I'm not your lady. I'm only here to help the injured, so go away." She kept a straight face. Then he showed her his hand that was injured. She sighed and quickly wrapped cloth around it. "Thank you, Honey,"  he turned around and pulled out his sword. "Now watch your man be a hero." He looked back to her as she slammed the window shut.

                                        "Ugh, Thor, help me." she faced palmed and  she looked back up to see Hera starring at her. "You really should at least try and like him." she mashed up herbs "I'm never going to like  him I will only tolerate him, unless he changes." she turned back around and cracked the window, looking at all the Vikings fighting with out her. She tired to sneak to the door, but Hera grabbed her hand. She slightly scared her on how fast she could move "Angel your not going out there again." she let go "Why?!? I can fight just as good as anyone else here! I can prove myself!" she snapped at Hera as she back away a little bit, she realized and apologized "I'm so sorry Hera, I just want to be like my father." she sat down "I know, but the daughter of the chief you shouldn't fight, she lets her husband fight. I'm sorry that's just the way it is." she opened the window back up.

Httyd Oc AU fanfic: How To Chang Your PerspectivesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat