Around And Back Again

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                     "Come on push threw!" Gorgon yelled to his men who were trying to steer their ships threw a debre field filled with smoke and fire. All of Shiy's people were on the edge of the ship, looking for any sign of life. The smoke filled the lungs of everyone, burning their eyes to the point of tears.

                        "Kia *cough* help me up" Titus said in the middle of the ship laying on his dragon. Kia quickly came over and put his arm around her neck and helped him to the side of the ship. "Titus, I want to believe she's ok but were never going to find her this way." she stated looking out in to the smoke filled air, they could barely see down to the water. "You're right, Crossfire!" he called, but Crossfire could only stand up before Kia said, "You both are in the condition to do that, but I have a better idea. Crossfire clear the smoke." she commanded and soon after Crossfire used his wings to clear the smoke with wing flaps.

                           The wind only made a dent, letting them see water below and the destroyed ships ahead. Crossfire couldn't stand any longer and fell back to the ground, "Its ok boy, you did your best."   Titus looked back to him. Then everyone was looking where the smoke cleared, but still saw nothing intel Kia looked down to the water.

                           "Titus, isn't that," she pointed to the water. Everyone looked where she pointed and saw a bunch of bunched up vines flouting in the water. "What? What so important about them?" Gorgon asked while the crowd started talking among them self's. "That was the only thing Pitch could hold on to, with out it they cant fly....." Titus slid down the side of the ship, feeling his heart break.

                              Silence fell on the ship, even Gorgon went silent. Titus then felt the burden that he would carry for the rest of his life over this event. Most of the men on the ship tried to pretend their tears was because of the smoke.

                                Crossfires head went up and is eyes turn to slits, hearing something faint in the distance. He put his head straight up and fired, then it exploded lighting up the sky threw the smoke. "What was that?" Kia asked Crossfire as he looked out to the smoke, witch made her turn back around.

                                  Threw the smoke came the massive dragon that was chained to the ship, but was now free and had something clutched in its claws. It came up to the side of the ship and hovered as everyone backed away, except Titus who stood back to his feet. "I hope you know my friend died to save you," he said slightly enraged. The dragon nodded its head and did a low growling noise. Then he hovered over Titus while slowly dropping Pitch with his wing wrapped around Angel.

                                   He held out his arms to catch them, but was to weak to hold it and fell to the ground with them. He quickly opened Pitch's wings and check if she was breathing.

                                   "She's alive! She still alive!" he cheered in joy hugging her, but was pushed out of the way by Gorgon. The crowd erupted in joy including Crossfire who fired in the air. Titus got up and picked up Pitch, who smiled brightly at him. "Thank you,"

(A Day Later)

                                      Angel opened her eyes to find her self down stairs in her house with a blanket on her, but something very warm was next to her. She looked down to see Pitch curled up beside her sleeping peacefully. She put her hand on his head and said "Hey buddy."

                                      His eyes shot open and he jolted out of the bed and crashed on the ground landing on his back. He thrashed around trying to get back up. "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" Angel threw the blanket off and hung her legs over the side. "I got y-" she stopped her self.

                                       She looked down at her leg and it a strange brace on it. A metal piece was wrapped around her ankle with to metal sticks came up to her knee where a bunch of small gears were. Then four metal sticks came up to her hip. She breathed out while standing up putting out her arms for balance. It felt strange for sure, but not intolerable.

                                       Pitch got back up and came back over, he sniffed it then looked to Angel. She smiled back and took a step forward with the braced leg. She had to use the desk for balance as she almost fell, Pitch wined at her scared. "Its ok boy I'm fine." she reassured him. She hopped on one leg over to the door with Pitch behind her. She grabbed the door handle and pushed it open.

                                       "Angel!" Gorgon yelled right in front of her as soon as she pushed open the door. She fumbled backwards in shock and landed on her back, but was quickly picked back up by her father into a hug. He put her down a so her supported her so she wouldn't fall walking out of the house.

                                          She walked out and saw all of her village with Heaven Fliers scattered threw out with Vikings being helped by them. Everything was safe and happy, with everyone working together. "You're joking right?" Angel asked her father. "Nope, this is all real, and all made possible by you." he answered looking down at her.

                                           "Everyone she's awake!" A Viking cheered and soon the whole village was on there way over. She smiled at everyone as they ran over, but didn't see Titus or Kia anywhere. "So what you think about the brace?" Gorgon asked getting her attention. She looked up to him and said "Its tolerable." she laughed and everyone soon laughed with her.

                                            Angel as suddenly wrapped in Titus's arms almost making her fall over, she quickly hugged him back. They let go and Titus said "I'm so glad you're finally awake." he smiled brighter the ever. "Glad to be awake." she laughed. "Oh! Speaking of witch!" he moved out of the way to she Kia walking up to them with a new backpack and balancer for her and Pitch. She handed it to Titus who winked before handing it to her.

                                             "You made this?" she asked shocked but still very happy. Before he could answer Pitch jumped on her shoulder, she held the balancer up to him to sniff. "What do you think buddy?" he smiled and jumped up and down a little before pouncing on Titus nocking him over and licking him on the face. Everyone laughed pretty hard as he got up and handed him back to Angel. "A simple hand shake will do next time." He said laughing to.

                                              They both starred at each other for a second both not really sure what to say, intel Kia butted in and said. "Well? Take for a test Flight!" she gestured to the Backpack and Balancer. Angel and Titus looked at each other again a smiled.

                                                 She slipped the backpack on and hooked up Pitch who then Jumped on her back and spread his wings and waited for her cue. She put her arms out and flapped the down with Pitch following her motion. They took off in to the sky,

                                               "This is Shiy," They started flying threw the village. "a big Village in the heart of the Wind Lanes," all the Vikings waved to them as the flew by. "a lot of the time rainy, all the time windy," they dove down to the docks flying in between the ships. "The only upside are the dragons." Titus riding Crossfire with Kia behind him followed them. "While most people have Nadders or Nightmares," they flew up towards the clouds "I have, Pitch Black." the broke the cloud line while nuzzling each other.  

And finished! Hi everyone this I Erie, and I hope you enjoyed this book! This was a lot of fun to make and don't worry, their story isn't done yet! I will be making more adventures for them in the future where they meet the Httyd gang. But for now my next book will be a fanfic on Httyd, but don't worry my oc will actually meet them this time! Till then, see all you dragon trainers later! 

Httyd Oc AU fanfic: How To Chang Your PerspectivesWhere stories live. Discover now