Going Out With A Bang

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                      "We only get one shot boy!" Angel shouted to Pitch as they approached the ships, but he was still confused on the plan. Meanwhile Mender was on the end of the ships when he was surprised to see Angel flying back, so he said "Suicide, I thought she was better then that."  he chuckled, "Then again she is just as reckless has her mother."

                        Dodging wave after wave of arrows and spears, Angel and Pitch were getting better at working together. She heard the wind of an arrow fly by her head, but didn't flinch " I ever told you that I love that your so small?" she laughed while telling Pitch. He laughed along with her, while she yelled "Is that all you got?" she flew by Mender who was clearly getting annoyed, "Why haven't she gone down yet?" he asked one of his men. He shrunk away as he said "S-she's to small to hit." Mender took a quick deep breath to stay calm. "Never mind her, she cant do anything with out her friend. Take aim on the ships."

                          The men on the ship with the dragon turn their direction of the ship so the dragon can aim correctly. Angel quickly took notice and stopped and remarked "There not taking the bait," she stopped and thought for sec, then she snapped her fingers getting a idea.

                            Flying in front of the huge dragon she said, "You have to help me out boy, err, girl, uh, it." Mender capitalized on the opportunity and commanded, "Fire now!" They started hitting the dragon with spears and it opened its mouth and charged the fire ball. "You have no reason to trust me, but please believe that I'm trying to help you!" Angel pleaded, then Pitch roared to him, but he kept charging. So she put her hand on its nose trying to show kindness, but was also burning up from the fire.

                              It turned its head to the left trying to avoid hitting them, but Pitch still had to move them as he released the fire ball. It flew and hit a ship on the outer rim and completely destroyed it in a blaze of fire. She looked back at the dragon and it nodded its head. "Come on take the bait." She said to her self looking at Mender.

                               "Ugh, if she wants to die then it'll be my pleasure." he gave the signal for his men to start shooting again and they did. Angel smiled and Pitch starting avoiding the arrows. They flew in between the ships staying close to the water, "OK Pitch light em up!" she yelled as the they went higher and started spinning while Pitch fired outward catching all the arrows on fire. Then the arrows ripped right in to the sails catching them on fire. The archers quickly stopped firing and tried to put them out.

                                  "Not bad Angel," Mender complimented her as she flew by. "Save it!" She doubled back and Pitch fired at the chains. "Fire the nets." he said as his men brought up the Nadders and they heated up the spears.

                                     "They must keep all the dragons on that ship." Angel saw that it was the only one ship that was bringing up dragons.

                                    Once red hot they released them, but Pitch wrapped Angel in his wings and they dived bombed to the water dodging the first wave of nets. He spread his wings making Angel glide on the water, then they went to the ship where the Nadders where. They landed on the ship and ducked under a sword that was thorn at them, but Angel grabbed it and charged at the man next the Nadders. She clashed her sword with his, but winked at him before Pitch fired at his face witch made him drop his sword. Angel used her legs to nock him to the ground and nock him out with a punch to the face.

                                    She cut the ropes holding down the Nadders and they flew away. Pitch roared in her ear to warn her of the men behind her, so she turned around and jumped in the air to go over the man who went for a swing. Once she landed she kicked him overboard and blocked the next mans sword with hers. She pushed him back, but flew up and landed by the door to the lower deck. She slipped in and looked at all the dragons in cages with a man with a par of keys, "Hello," she smirked.

                                     Pitch jumped off her back and bounced off the walls then tackled his face nocking him off his feet. Angel stole his keys and started in locking the cages and the dragons ran out then flew out the door. She didn't recognize any of them, but staid focused.  

                                    Once they were all free Angel called for Pitch and they followed them out. She looked over the huge dragon and said, "Ok time for the big guy." they flew back to the dragon. "Keep firing!" Mender screamed at his men. Even with out the Nadders they shot spear after spear.

                                      They flew back over to the sea stack before she said, "Here goes nothing." They stopped for just a second, but a spear broke apart and they got hit. Angel slammed into the ground and a sharp pain went up her shoulder. They quickly tried to get out of the net but where tangled.

                                        "END THIS!" Mender shouted, and the spear men started hitting the dragon which made him start charging the fire ball in his mouth. "And you better not miss, it them or you," he threaten.

                                           The dragon released the fire ball and it went hurling towards the sea stack and exploded in a blaze of fire. Silence fell upon the ships as they were waiting to see if they got out, but  Mender smiled and turned away seeing no sign of them, "Now that's done, fire on those fleeing ships." he walked towards the other side of the ship.

                                           "Um, sir." one of his men said. He turned around to see him pointing at the smoke and out of the top Angel and Pitch came out. They were both badly burned but still up in the air, so they flew back to the ships.

                                           Mender have had enough and made his men keep hitting the dragon with the spears as they approached. The dragon had the biggest fire ball yet, but right before Angel and Pitch were going to hit the ship they shot upwards and tried to get a good enough distance. Once the dragon released the fire ball it was quickly on there tail and catching up quick. "Come on Pitch!" Angel yelled so Pitch pushed himself to go faster the he had ever gone. Staying just in front of the fire ball, taht they could feel the heat coming off of it. Angel started to hear a ripping sound and looked to her back and saw the backpack was ripping from the fire blast. "Come on just a little longer!" she looked down to see the fire ball.

                                             She looked down again and saw her plan fall into place as the fire ball lost momentum and started falling back down, but the backpack strap snapped sending them falling back down with it. Angel grabbed Pitch before they separated and held him forward at the falling fire ball. "Give me all you got!" she said as Pitch fired all of his fire at it. About haft way back down it turned to black and picked up more speed and it went out of their reach. She put him back on her back and he tried to hold on to anything to slow their fall.

                                              Mender looked at the black ball of fire hurling towards them and watching all his men jump ship. Then he looked at the dragon who looked happy, but Mender went to the end of the ship and looked up at Angel as they fell. "I guess that's game, for both of us."

                                                BOOM! The fire ball exploded the center ship and the fire destroyed all the surrounding ships. In a almost fire shockwave the fire and smoke spread as far as Shiy and the feeing ships.

                                               "ANGEL!!! NO!!" Titus yelled from shore sitting next to Crossfire. He started slamming the ground with his fist in rage. "You didn't deserve this."

Hello! This is the righter! I'm still here!             

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