Where Your Loyalty's lay

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                      She kept flying away despite her fathers calls, she whipped away the tear and picked up more speed trying to get there as fast as she could.

                       Mender was at the end of the ship and smiled upon seeing Angel, he turn around and told everyone to get ready. Angel landed on the tip of the ship starring down Mender, "Stop or be destroyed." she threatened. The men of the ship started laughing out loud, "You and what army?" one said. Mender held up his hand and they all fell silent, then he lowered it and asked. "Tell me princesses, how do you plan to do that?" he walked towards her tightening his gloves. "Like I tell you my secret." she jumped down.

                        "Oh, are you talking about that Heaven Flier on your back? That secret?"  he put his hands behind his back while laughing. Angel looked back to Pitch, but didn't answer. "You really think he loves you? Dragons are incapable of love, and  He'd abandon you just as fast as your mother did."  he started walking around her has she started getting choked up. "You don't know anything about her." she stood still. "Oh, really? I don't think her old childhood friend wouldn't know about her?" He stood behind her as Pitch growled. "I know that she only loved your father to become in powered, I know after you were born she only pretended to love you, but the story I love to tell is when you father found out. Instead of staying with you, she left never to heard from again." he put his hand on her shoulder, but Pitch pushed him away with his wing. "Oh, and the last thing she told me before she left," he got closer to her ear.

                          "Was how much she hated you." he whispered in her ear, but Pitch quickly fired at him nearly missing. Angel held back her tears as she said, "Why I believe anything you say?!?" she yelled grabbing his shirt. "Well there really no way I can prove the stuff about your mother, but I can prove my fact about your dragon." he pushed her back while giving his men the signal to open the cage. About ten Heaven Fliers bolted out and started circling Angel and Pitch. Pitch roared to them and jumped off her back and the dragons started nuzzling each other. "Pitch, is this your pack?" Angel looked down and asked as Mender back away. Pitch smile was lost when he looked back to Angel, he looked to her then to his pack. He ran back up to her and looked up to her. Angel knew what Mender was doing, but she could force Pitch to stay and fight for her.

                            She bent down to her little dragon and he nuzzled her then gestured to the sea. "Pitch, I-I cant go with you." Mender snapped his fingers and his men ran at the dragons making them run away. Pitch looked at them as they took off and they were calling to him. "Go, you need to be with your own kind. Thank you, but you couldn't had stayed anyway." her tears ran down her face. Pitch couldn't help but cry while he wrapped his wings around her.

                            "GO!" She pushed him away, "GET OUT OF HERE!" she yelled about to breakdown. Pitch shrunk down being to afraid to leave her, but he finally jumped off the edge of the ship.  And flew up to his pack then they started to fly away, but Pitch looked back at Angel knowing this was wrong.

                             Mender started to laugh at her, being proud of himself. "Well, do you believe me now?" Angel turn to him with fury in her eyes. "I let him go," she breathed heavily. "What ever you want to tell your self." he continued to laugh. He snapped his fingers again and his men attacked Angel, she tried to fend herself off, but was out numbered. They grabbed both her  arms and kicked her to the ground. "Now you'll watch your island burn."

                             The massive dragon charged the fire ball in his mouth, it being a lot bigger then the last. Angel saw Titus with Crossfire take off and started flying towards it. When the fire ball  released it went straight toward the village Crossfire turn side ways showing his sharp wings "Oh please Thor help them." Angel closed her eyes as the fire ball reached them.

                               "We got this boy!" Titus yelled starring into the massive fire ball coming there way. While Kia was helping everyone on the boats "If this doesn't work were all doomed." she thought. Crossfire snorted out smoke from his nose as the fire ball went across his wing. 

                                The fire ball spilt in two and went around to village exploding the forest beside it, but the village wasn't scratched. Crossfire quickly turned around and crashed on the land, Titus hopped off and saw his wing was burned. "You ok!?!" Titus felt himself worried. Crossfire stood back up and acted like he was fine.

                                  Angel opened her eyes and started cheering, but Mender, out of rage, grabbed her shirt and held her off the ground. "They will fall, and you'll be the first." he punch her in the stomach nocking the wind out of her and threw her off the edge of the ship. She hit the water and couldn't get her breath back, almost paralyzed.

                                   She looked up at the light dancing on the water, she could only vaguely see figures watching her sink over the side of the ship.  She felt her adrenalin rush as they went out of view, so she pushed her self to start swimming up. As she was swimming up she realized how much she already and sank. Her lungs burning and her eyes going fuzzy, it was hard to even see if she was going up or not.

                                      She felt her finger tips brush the surface of the water, but had nothing left to keep going. She slowly started sinking again, but before she closed her eyes she felt a familiar jolt from her backpack and launched out of the water. She was put back on the ship quickly followed by Black fire firing at everyone near her. She looked up to she Pitch with fury in his eyes. "Pitch?" she said as her vision became clear. "Pitch!" she shouted in joy.

                                       They back flipped off the ship and started fly to a near by sea stack and once they land Pitch jumped off her back. "Pitch!" she yelled again hugging him. She looked up but before she said anything she saw a big of Heaven Fliers flying away. "But Pitch, your pack." she looked down to him who had a big smirk. He had a look a look like he had everything he wanted here, so he took a few steps back and bowed to her. Angel responded by bowing back, then they both proceeded to laugh. "So you're telling me that you chose me over your own Kind?" A tear went down her face. He jumped in her arms and nuzzled her wiping her tear while doing it. she laughed "You're really something else, buddy." she hugged him tighter while he wrapped his wing around her. She let go and he climbed back on her backpack, "Well, I guess we both a home to defend." She jumped and went to Shiy.

                                           "We have to go back!" Gorgon shouted at Kia trying to take the wheel. "Not with your entire village were not." she kicked him away, but he kept trying and was being embarrassed by the fact he was being kept away by a girl not even haft his age. After Kia kicked him again she said with a calm voice "look, I know what it's like to have someone that you cant help, but your people are the focus here." then Gorgon started to calm down. "My village was burned to the ground by them, and there was someone there that I'll never be able to see again," She turned the ships wheel slightly. "And honestly, I wish I would have died with her instead of being here." she held it steady. "Your mother?" Gorgon asked sitting down. Kia smiled, "Basically," she smirked looking at him. "Her name?"

                                            "Copaiba." (Co bia ba) "I called her Cobia for short." her smile got bigger. "She sounds amazing." He got a clear head again. "Oh, she was."

I really love the word Copaiba, so I made a name. Drink you milk, (unless you're allergic), don't kill the spider, and the last one most likely wont happen!        

Httyd Oc AU fanfic: How To Chang Your PerspectivesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora