Viking Down

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Titus ran threw the woods as fast as he could, but as he got back to the village he started shouting "SHE BEEN CAPTURED! ANDGELS BEEN CATURED! WHERES THE CHIEF?!?" Eventually his screaming lead the chief to him. "Boy calm down! What happened?" Gorgon asked him as stopped running, he could hardly breath from running so much "A-A-Angel SH-SHES BEEN KI-KIDNAPPED!" he bent down trying to catch his breath "What?! Show us where quickly!" he shouted as a few men came for the search party. Titus nodded and tried to run back.

( A few hours later )

Angels eyes flickered open to sound of two men talking, she decided to just listen. It was blurry but she made out the end "We need to back before dawn." a boom of thunder felt like it shook the ship. "That might be a problem, there's a massive storm in are path." she saw blurry figures walk away as she noticed that she was in a cell. "We will not turn back now." she heard walk up stairs.

She tired to stand up but could only sit up, but after a few minutests she scrambled to her feet. She felt the adrenaline rush threw her as she felt the ship hit something and nocked her back down. She rubbed her head and moaned, but she shot back up when she felt her wet hand. "LET ME OUT!" she saw a few men run by her cell, looking behind her the hole in wall got bigger and bigger by the second. Hitting the cell bars has hard as she could as the water was already at her hips.

Getting an idea she knew it was her only chance, so she climbed the bars to the top and before the water got over her head she took a deep breath. Now under water she swam out the hole then started swimming up. Getting to the surface she took a breath before getting slammed by a wave pulling her back down. She didn't know what it was but she got a hold of something that flouted her back to the surface and kept her there. It was a pice of drift wood and she held on for dear life.

She awoke on the soft sand of an island feeling the warm sun on her face. Sitting up once more, she turned her head and saw forest behind her, she waited a few minitets before walking in to it. She limped threw the forest before hearing a growl behind her, she slowly turned around to see a massive dragon behind her. Screaming and it hurt but she took off running. Jumping over things hurt even more but the sound of falling trees behind her kept her moving. Running intel she couldn't she fell off a small cliff down in a small cove with a stream threw the middle and a small pond. Quickly backing up she saw a massive shadow, she hid under a cliffs in shadow.

Breathing heavily she heard it fly away, she leaned her head up agasted a rock. Feeling like someone was watching her, she got to her feet and looked around. "Hello?" she held her side. Then something popped out from behind a rock and looked like it was trying to fly up. It was trying to climb the rock s to get out, but fell back down.

It landed on its back and struggled to get back on his feet. Angel got a clear look at it, it was clearly a Heaven Flier but this one was different. It was a very dark black, she didn't even know that was posbul. It got back on its feet and saw her then growled and she got a fighting poisen.

They had a stair down for a good two minutes or so, both waiting for others atked. "Why don't you just fly out of here?" She thought, but after taking a closer look at him she saw the that his wings weren't pailalel. They were also uneven, it didnt look like he was ingerd just born that way.

"OK boy lets play," she snerd, but before she could make a move they covers there ears to a loud roar. Angel turned around to see the dragon that chased her but she clearly see it now. It was all huge wings, no arms or legs with a long neck. The massive dragon fired at them and they both swiftly doged. The black Heaven Flier fired back and his fire was as black as him.

His fire hit him in he face making him land but he wasn't done yet. He hit the little black dragon with his wing and smashed him in to the wall. Angel acted quickly before the dragon could focus on her, she dove into the pond to avoid his fire. She staid under the water for as long as she could before it looked away back to the small dragon. Who was struggling to get back up. Angel took a deep breath getting back on land, she looked and the huge dragon and said "Hey pick on someone your size!" the dragon turned its head and the small dragon got the message and rapid fired at its head.

The dragon had enough and flew away, Angel and the Heaven Flier looked at each other. Angel looked at the stream then got on the other side and said. "Stay on your side dragon." she sat down and leaned up agasted a rock, while the Heaven Flier staid laying down.

A few minutes later Angel felt strong enough and got up then walked to the wall and started climbing up some vines. She got about haft way up before she heard the vines snap and she fell back down. "That hurt," she rubbed her head, then she saw the Heaven Flier watching her "What you looking at?" she asked as it got up and sperd its huge wings, it took off but couldn't keep its wings straight while it flew. It tried to flap its wings but one wing flapped before the other and sent him a downward spiral before he hit the ground.

"So that's why you cant fly," Angel thought, "Your wings wont stay straight because there off center?" He looked back to her then to the pond, and he looked hungry but Angel brushed it off. The sun was setting so Angel got some of the snapped vines and used it as a pillow.

Back at the Thiy the chief was enraged and had already sent out four search party's. "Anything?" Gorgon asked one of the search party leaders "No sir, we think they have all ready left the island." he took a small bow. You could see the anger in his eyes as he pushed everything of the table, everyone also took a step back. He took a deep breath and said "Tell everyone to go back home, we search the sea's in the morning." they all nodded and walked away. "Not you Titus." he said as Titus, who was in one of the search party's turned back around. he nervly asked "Yes sir?"

"You are to stay here, as her betrothed you must stay safe." He put his hand on his shoulder. "Yes chief." he turned to walk out the door but before he could close it, Gorgon said "And boy, if we find Angel," he turned his head to him "Protect her tell the end." Titus didn't answer and closed the door.

Titus walked home in silence as he felt a little guilty for letting them take her away so easily. He was thinking about if they didn't find her, how he would have to be a chief, alone. As much as he really didn't like her all that much, he didn't think it would be that bad with out her. He looked up at the night sky and said "I don't want to lead alone."

"Who you talking to?" Holden popped up behind him making him jump. "Uh, no one, I was just thinking about Angel, That's all." he rubbed his head. "Why were being so annoying to her? I thought when you got a betrothed you loved each other." he sat down with Titus. "It's not really that simple," "Well what happens to you if we don't find her? I don't want you to leave me." Titus put his arm around his neck, "I'm not going anywhere goofball, the only thing that would happen is that I would be chief, alone," he took his arm off and paused "If you don't want to be alone why were you being so mean?" Holden asked with concern, but Titus put his head in between legs, "Why didn't lesion to her? My stupid ego got in the way of me seeing the amazing girl in front of me!" he yelled and they took a pause.

"What's an ego?" Holden asked instly Titus laughed "Your a hoot, thanks for the talk." he put his arm around him again.

awwww, he is so cute in his own little way, Thank y'all for reading!

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