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               Pitch started groaning under the cloak as he did not like not being able to see. "Pitch just stay under it! I wont be long." Ange tightened it then flipped the hood up. "Lets just get to Hera's shop, then we'll get everyone off the island." she walked out the door.

                She looked at all the Vikings and they all looked very sad and misdirected. I guess with no chief that happens, Angel wanted to show herself, but was going to wait. She reached the healers house and knocked on the door. She herd a few foot steps inside scurry around before the door opened. Hera looked up at her and gasped. "Angel?" She shouted gaining the attention of every Viking around. She quickly push Hera back in her house and closed the door behind them. She put down her hood and quickly said, "Yes, it's me I'm ok, but we need to get everyone off of Shiy. The people who kidnapped me have something that can destroy this entire island." she whispered bending down to eye level with her. "But how did you escape? How did you get back here? You cant just get kidnapped then appear out of no where telling everyone that we have to leave!" Hera yelled crossing her arms. "Fine, where is my father, maybe everyone will listen to him." she sighed standing back up.

                  "He went out looking for you, and took most of our ships with him."  she answered calming down.  "Ok we'll have to go and look for him, but we don't have much time." she started walking to the door. "Wait we?" Hera asked her before she reached the door. Angel sighed grabbing the handle "Why do I keep saying that?!?" she flipped her hood up and walked outside.

                    "Angel!" She herd called from down the way. She looked to who called her and it was Titus with Kia running behind him, with everyone looking at them as they ran. once they reached her he said "We landed Grudge right ou-" Titus tried to say before Angel covered his mouth. "Shh!!" Angel hushed him, but looked around to see everyone starring. She sighed before she flipped down her hood, everyone around started chattering before Angel proclaimed "Everyone of Shiy, we need to get off this island. There is a dragon that can destroy it, get what you can and go down to the docks. I'll explain everything there." Everyone started talking among them selves, then Angel turned to Titus and Kia.

                     "Really? I was trying to stay low profile, and don't say anything about Crossfire and Pitch I don't want them getting attacked." Angel crossed her arms in annoyance, but continued "Kia go In side this shop there are healing items to get your energy back up, me and Titus will met you down at the docks just follow to crowd." Kia nodded and walked in.

                      "Come on we need to find my father." Angel dragged him towards the docks. "Oh, ya I was going to tell you there were some ships on the horizon." he explained, "Ok, but were they flying are flags?" she asked while she stopped. "Ya, and who is Crossfire?" he asked "It's your dragons new name." she rolled her eyes leading him to the docks again.  "Whatever, but are we really leaving Shiy to burn?" He asked worried, but she looked at him and responded with. "Of corse not, I'd never just up and leave."  she paused.  "But, if we cant stop them I want to be sure everyone will be safe."  she finished.


                       Angel was on the docks with everyone waiting for her to speak, but she turned away still waiting for her father. The ships weren't that far away, but I felt like it was taking so long for them to get there. 

                      "Angel! There here!" Titus yelled down from the village with Kia next to him. "I know I can see them." she rolled her eyes again. "No!" He looked at everyone nervous. "There  here!" he yelled again with more just). "No, father don't  go and try and stop them." she thought, but soon enough the lead ship started turning around. "NO!" Angel yelled and started pushing threw the crowd, then ran up the walk way.

                        Once she got to Titus and Kia she watched as her father's ships turned toward the upcoming ships. "Ugh! Get Crossfire we  have to stop him!" she threw off her cloak and it hit Titus in the face. "Ready to go Pitch?" Angel asked turning her head to Pitch who roared and spread his wings happy to be able to see again. Angel ran to the edge and jumped off doing a spin and Pitch flapped his wings then they started flying towards the ship. Titus turned around to started running to Crossfire, but when he did he saw Kai already running, so he ran after.  

                         Angel was gliding above the water, The feeling of nothing around you holding you down was the best feeling, but she turned her attention back to the matter at hand. "Father!" Angel landed on the ship. All the crew members quickly stopped to stair, but Angels eyes soon met her fathers and he bolted to her. She was wrapped in the arms of her father, but maybe a little to tight as she said. "Father I love you to, but I cant really breath." Gorgon let her go and she took a deep breath. "Angel we looked every where for you! Are you hur-" he cut him self off and took a few steps back. He was looking at her like if she was a total stranger, his eyes mostly laid on her wings. "Father, please ill explain everything later, but we have to get everyone off of Shiy." She stepped towards him.

                        "Angel, why do you have wings? What did they do to you?" he turned his head to the upcoming ships. She sighed "They didn't do anything to me," she put out her arm and Pitch crawled out on it. "Heaven Flier! attacked!" one man said on the ship and they all grabbed to weapons. "No! stop! He helped me get back here!" she held Pitch close to her, then turned to her father. "I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for him." she said as Pitch smiled climbing on her shoulder. Her father was about to say something, but Angel quickly stopped him. "Listen this isn't the problem at hand! We need to get everyone off of Shiy be fore they get here. Go to the docks and get them out of here!" she yelled pointing at the ships while Pitch got back on her backpack. "Where stopping them before they get here!" Gorgon stated. She took off in the air and hovered over him. "That wasn't a request." she sneered.

                           "We don't have much time!" Titus appeared riding Crossfire with Kia holding on to him. Some of the crew members looked like they had a heart attacked when they saw Crossfire's size. They landed on the end of the ship and hopped off, "We might only have a few minutes before they get here!" Kia ran to the steering wheel. The men around it quickly blocked her from getting though. She looked back to Crossfire who roared for them to move, and they quickly backed away. "Thank you boy." Kia thanked Crossfire as the grabbed it and started turning them around. "I'll try buying you guys some time." Angel looked at the ships knowing she might not come back, but was about to fly away before. "Angel! I'm not letting you go again!" Her father called for her.

                              She turned around and landed in front of her father who hugged her again. "I'm not letting you go," he hugged her tighter. "I know," she said and he smiled. "I'm letting go of you." she shed a tear as Pitch flared his back forcing her father to let go and her to fly away. "Angel!!!!"

Sorry this was so late!

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