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Clouds of smoke left Louis' mouth as he watched kids run around the park kicking at a football, but he was still uneasy in the family friendly atmosphere. His nerves were  jumping in his body, and his head was pounding with the racing theories of what Harry really did when he went out to sell. "Hey Asshat," A man plopped down shoving Louis a bit, and Louis heaved a sigh while rolling his eyes.

"Dick," Louis chuckled, but then he looked away at the kids fearing the answer to the question on his lips. "So did you follow him?"

"I did," Liam nodded. "He didn't buy anything from anyone, so he must be using his own stash if he is using."

"He is using. I know how an addict acts, but I just don't know what he's using. He wouldn't be such an idiot to use heroin would he?" Louis ran his fingers through his fringe, and took another long drag from his cigarette. "Yes, yes he would be that stupid."

"Way to be optimistic," Liam snorted.

"Oh shut up! I need to figure out how to catch him, or to at least take away his supply."

Liam heaved a sigh and offered no useful suggestions to helping Louis with his now bigger problem. "Sorry, mate."


"It's better than heroin, it won't make you sleepy, but the exact opposite. You'll feel hyper."

Harry crossed his arms staring at the baggie the man was holding between his fingers, and he heaved a sigh feeling his stomach churn. "And I just snort it?"

"Yep," The man nodded a bit too enthusiastically. "I promise you'll love it."

Harry snatched the baggie out of the guy's hand, and held it close to his face. "I'm not paying."

"I wouldn't ask you to, sir." Harry nodded turning around going back to his car, but he didn't drive away right away. He stared at the baggie chewing on his lip. God, he knew this was a bad idea, but he needed something. Heroin just wasn't doing the trick anymore.

He started his car and drove back to the house, and thanked God that Louis was still not home. He quickly made it into the house going straight to the bedroom, and shut the door locking it. He cleared off the chest by the foot of the bed, he dumped out the white powder staring at it for a moment. The man told him to just make small lines of the substance, and to not snort all of it at once.

He made three messy lines, and stared at them biting his lip. Hopefully this wouldn't kill him. He took the dollar bill he rolled up putting it at the end of one line, and then snorted the line. At first it burned, his eyes watered, and his nose dripped a bit of blood. Harry sat back waiting for the drug to kick in, but then quickly leaned back up snorting a second line. "Oh fuck," Harry coughed, sniffling.

Harry giggled sitting up feeling his heart hammer in his chest, and stared at his veins which felt like they're jumping under his skin. He smiled standing up going to the radio to crank up the sound, and turned it to some rock station. He immediately began bobbing his head along to the song playing, and smiled down at the drug he had left.

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