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And I never

gave myself to

another the way

I gave it

to you

You don't even

recognize the ways

you hurt me,

do you?

It's gonna take

a miracle to

bring me back

And you're the

one to blame

He thought he could do it, but he couldn't. Every morning he got up he got his fix and went on about his day. Louis ignored him, Louis was gone more often, and they were going on their second week without talking. Not only had Louis stopped talking to him, but most of the people he considered friends have dropped him as well. Rosita barely even looked at him, Jesy hadn't stopped by for a girls day in a week, Perrie no longer texts him, Liam only stopped by to drop things off for Louis, Zayn hadn't even looked him in the eye when he visits Louis, Fionn and Tony he hasn't seen in weeks. Gemma was still disowning him for their fight recently.

He was lost, no way out for him, and he felt like he was drowning and there was nobody to save him this time. He leaned against the counter all of his stash laying out for anyone to see, and he stared at it. Louis was more important than any drug, so had to try again. "Louis?" Harry yelled waiting for the familiar slam of his office door, and heavy foot steps. He heard exactly that before Louis appeared in this kitchen, he frowned seeing the items on the counter, and his icy eyes stared at Harry with harsh daggers that aimed at Harry's heart.

"I'm done," Harry said simply. "For real this time. This is all it. You're going to lock me in the room you were sleeping in, only let me out when I have to use the toilet, and you'll have Rosita bring me food up."

"That's it?" Louis asked. "You're suddenly done?"

"You told me it was you or the drugs, so I choose you."

His heart hammered in his chest, he felt as if he might throw up at any possible minute, and he began to rub his arms in an attempt to calm himself down. He had half the mind to pick up his stash and leave, but leaving Louis was why he was on the drugs in the first place. Leaving wasn't an option. Louis stared at the stash as if he was trying to figure out some equation. "I'll believe it when I see it," He said simply. Louis gathered the items putting them on a different counter, and Harry stared at them like his soul was just ripped from his body. He was doing it.

"Go," Louis said pointing in the direction of the stairwell, and Harry quickly walked in that direction. He was hopeful that this would be the last time he would be in this situation. The room wasn't messy, but the room looked lived in. Louis' charger hanging from the outlet near the bed, the bed still messy, and Louis' lap top in the middle of the bed.
"You agreed to this, so I'll see you for dinner."

Harry nodded watching Louis grab his things, and then the door slam shut. Harry say on the bed his stomach twisting into knots, he knew he should be good for the rest of the day because he had his fix in the morning, but tomorrow was quickly approaching and in the morning he was going to need something. He quickly went to the door to try to open it, but of course it was locked. He wanted this. He needed this. He slid down to the floor pulling his knees to his chest, and stared at the bed chewing on his thumb.

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