I'm sorry

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So here's the thing. It is unlikely I will get to finish this work. I will be totally real, I no longer write about Louis and Harry (yes I still "ship" them just not as hard as before), and with that being said I feel uncomfortable to write about them. Personally. I feel uncomfortable.

My writing has also matured a hell of a lot since I began writing Joker and Harley, I feel I've found my voice now that I have had time to mature and grow as a person. That voice has changed tremendously since 2014/2015/2016/2017. Even if I were comfortable with finishing this story it just wouldn't have the same heart.

Personally, I feel that Joker and Harley aren't well written. They were definitely the type of stories that shouldn't be attached to the boys- even if it was just fiction. So, maybe I will rewrite and change names and make it a novel. I can't say for sure. I don't like how I've handled some of the topics that are within the stories- that meaning they could've been approached a lot better and more delicately. As I have reread Joker I realized just how much my writing has improved and changed, and how much my voice for characters have changed. The type of stories I want to share and write have changed. Upon this realization, I knew I had two options.

1. Force myself to finish this fic as quickly as possible, half assing it, and being uncomfortable while doing it.

2. Face the music and let the story end here.

I have chosen option two. I am incredibly sorry to those who enjoyed these stories, enjoyed my work, and enjoyed the characters I've "created". You have every right to feel angry and bitter toward me for not giving closure to these books.

I offer you this...if you have questions about how the book ends- how H and L's story ends - comment them and I promise to answer you. 

As for this account.....I will leave it up. I will leave any story I've posted up. I will mostly remain inactive. I'll try to answer comments as said above, but other than that I will not be on this account any longer. I will not be on wattpad any longer.

Again, I feel awful for those of you that offered continuous support that I am leaving you unsatisfied.

To those of you that read and commented your reactions and enjoyment, I thank you. If it weren't for you I would've stopped writing a long time ago. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Without the readers, voters, and commenters I would have stopped writing a long time ago. I would have never found the outlet that gave my mind a break, that lets me explore the impossible, and lets me continue to grow. For the times I was lonely, depressed, and anxious beyond belief I found a haven here. Community. For that. I thank you. You all will forever hold a place in my heart.

Now, this isn't a goodbye. Never. As they say...this is not the end. I have moved platforms. I am on Ao3 (archive of our own). I still write fanfictions! Yes! I just use somebody else's fictional characters instead of real celebrities (which to each their own if people do write about celebrities. I don't anymore.) Currently, I mostly write about Marvel's Steve Rogers x Bucky Barns and The Witcher's Geralt x Jaskier. You can find me under QueenGremlin. So if you happen to want to see what my writing is like now, or maybe you even like those ships check it out!

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank each and every one of you lovelies.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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