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"I told you not to coddle him!"

"And last I checked you're not my Mother!" Louis pushed his fringe back leaning against the wall with a cigarette hanging from his lips. He was able to slip away because Harry fell asleep, and had been sleeping most of the day. "You killed her."

"I didn't personally do it," Liam snapped.

Louis rolled his eyes taking a drag, and then he sighed shaking his head. "He was pathetic, begging for something, and I couldn't take it any longer so I cleaned him up. I also cleaned the shit hole he's living in." Liam crossed his arms an unamused look taking his face, and Louis scoffed rolling his eyes taking a quick drag. "If this was Zayn you would do the same thing, so cut the bullshit!"

"Zayn wouldn't-"

"You don't know that!" Louis interjected taking another long drag. "'Sides I've known him longer. Zayn's totally capable of becoming a junky. You do know he's got a small coke addiction right?"

Louis tossed the burnt up cigarette to the ground smothering it with the toe of his shoe, and he looked around the outside of the bar. People stumbling in and out of the place, and a shady figure lingering against the ally watching Louis and Liam interact. Of course Louis saw them, and pushed himself off the wall nudging Liam to follow him. His hand lifted to the butt of the gun in the band of his jeans.

Liam already had his knife in hand ready to combat as he didn't risk bringing a gun, and getting caught by the police. A pussy move in Louis' opinion. Louis' impulsive, and jumped the guy from behind. He slammed him against the wall while yanking out his gun pressing it against the person's chest using his own body to shield it from public view.

"What are you doing stalking?" Louis snapped.

"I wasn't! I'm new!" The voice sounded young, one of a pubescent, teenage boy, and Louis moved away upon feeling the boy wet his pants.

"Yeah," Louis shook his head. "Fucking hell! How old are you? Twelve? He's just a kid!"

"I'm sixteen!" The boy huffed, and Louis lowers a glare at him as he tapped the gun to his thigh. He looked at Liam who still held his knife, and waited for instruction. "They said I'd find you here? I have your money?"

"God, who?"

"Uh the guy who trained me."

Louis nodded holding his hand out for the bag of money, and then he took it and tossed it to Liam. "Who am I?" Louis asked getting a good look over of the boy. He had shaggy, brown hair that had fallen into his eyes, light beard hairs sprouting on his chin, and acne taking up his cheek. His eyes held a fearful look, but stay pink from what Louis assumes is from his frequent weed use.

"I-I dunno? They didn't tell me. They said I could find a man here, he hangs out here and collects newbes money?" Louis looked over at Liam who already had his phone out, and was calculating the money. That was part of Liam's job is to make sure everyone pays it. Louis hummed nodding.

"That's him," Louis nodded toward Liam. "How many sales?"

"Uh I dunno. Twenty, maybe?"


"Twenty for sure."

"Batsy dear?" Louis sing songed.

"Twenty," Liam nodded. Louis hummed looking around, and then back at the scrawny kid. "Well he's short about a grand, so it was like each client was only paying for half the original price. Kid don't be lying to us."

"I didn't-"

Louis whipped the gun against the kid's jaw, and he spat blood out looking at Louis with a glare. "If you're going to be working for me, learn quick on the dos and don'ts, and wipe the damn look off your face. Batsy, lay out the rules."

"When in presence of the Joker," Liam smirked upon seeing the teen's face. "Yes, that man is the Joker, don't lie. Don't talk back. Don't talk unless you're spoken to. Don't steal his money."

Louis grinned lightly kicking at a dumpster, and then looked back at the kid. "Oh I'm feeling generous. You've got three days to get me my grand back, but if you don't you'll regret it."

The kid nodded his shaggy hair falling into his eyes, and his hand still held his cheek as he stares up at the older two men. "Well what you waiting for? You've got money to make!" Liam shouted.

Louis and Liam watch the kid scurry out of the ally. "Two days?" Liam asked. "That's a little harsh." Louis chuckled shaking his head, and began walking out of the ally wanting to get home to Harry.

"His Dad's a lawyer." Louis called over his shoulder.

Louis entered his home half expecting Harry to be asleep upstairs, but the boy was on the couch staring at the TV watching it intently with his eye brows furrowed, and the blanket pulled to his chin. Louis didn't understand how a man could be so gorgeous while doing absolutely nothing.

This seemed to be a common thing Louis noticed about Harry, he was stunning while doing nothing, and without even trying he was gorgeous. Watching TV, working on cars, cooking, showering, brushing his teeth, and sleeping and so much more. He was gorgeous and Louis was helplessly in love with him. "Louis?" Harry looked at Louis, his doe eyes wide, and a large smile playing on his lips. "Where'd you go?"

"Had business stuff," Louis said while shrugging off his jacket, and then toes off his shoes setting them next to Harry's boots. "Have a nice sleep?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded scooting over so Louis can sit, and he does kicking his feet up on the coffee table, and an arm stretched on the back of the couch. Harry cuddles into Louis' side sighing in contentment. "I'm watching Baby Driver."

Louis hummed settling into his seat and getting comfortable as Harry restarts the movie so he can watch it with Louis.

In this moment everything is good. No worries about addiction, no drugs, nobody was after them, no murdering, and it was just them and the movie. Them on a couch, cuddling and stealing soft kisses, and for a moment they were a normal couple.


So........hey...........long time no see

Here's a short chapter.


It took me this long to update. I've been so busy and stressed out of my mind. So sorryyyyyyyy ima try to get on a regular updating schedule.

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Big love
- N

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