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(This whole chapter is smut. Bc larrysl1ttlethings wouldn't leave me alone about it. Doesn't really move the story along)

Love Begins

With an


Lust with

A sensation

"Must this be an every night thing?"

Harry whined as Louis checked between his toes, his hands traveling up his legs to his inner thighs, but this time Harry wore boxers. "You brought this upon yourself," Louis shrugged.

"Well while you're down there how about you suck my dick?"

"How about you not tell daddy what to do," Louis tilted his head innocently to stare up at Harry's unblinking eyes. It's only been a few days, and Harry hadn't even hit major withdraws yet. He was; however, hitting a sort of sexual frustration. Louis and him hadn't really had fantastic sex in a while, but now since Harry's been on edge he felt like it may actually benefit the sex aspect of it.

Louis gripped Harry's thighs, he dragged his hands up with him as he stood up, and his hands slid up Harry's arms. He checked the track wounds, they still look healed, but Louis didn't stop touching Harry. His hands squeezing his pudgy hips, as he circled behind Harry pulling him back against him, and he gently kissed behind Harry's ear. "How are you feeling?" Louis asked.

"Horny," Harry groaned causing Louis to chuckle.

"I meant with the withdraws, but okay."

Louis walked Harry toward the wall pinning him against it, his front flushed against the wall, and his fingers spreading open across it to give him more support. "You've got such nice biceps, princess. Nobody would suspect that you're the princess would they?"

"No," Harry breathed, but at the feel of a pinch to his side he groaned shaking his head. "No, sir." Louis smirked his fingers slipping passed the fabric covering Harry, and he continued his slow talking to him, every word dragged, and sent chills down his spine.

"Do you think you deserved to be pleasured?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Really? Even after you went behind my back to do drugs?" Louis stepped away from Harry, making the boy whine looking over his shoulder at Louis, but Louis only went to the closet pursing his lips as he looked for what he needs. "I'll fuck you," Louis nodded. "But you're not going to touch me, hell you aren't going to even look at me, do you understand me?"

"Yes, sir."

Louis nodded taking out three ties. "Go to the bed."

Harry quickly obeyed crawling on to his back staring at Louis who had the ties in a vice grip, and tsked shaking his head. He raised his free hand signalling for Harry to be face first into the mattress. Harry was quick to obey. 

Every hair on his body stood at attention, his lower region strained against his briefs, and every breath was shaky. Everything in him was on edge awaiting for the first breath of contact.

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