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And It's No Sacrifice

Just A Simple Word

It's Two Hearts Living

In Two Separate Worlds

Every day that passes Harry can feel his craving slowly slip away, and the further it slips away, the lighter the tension between he and Louis. Which is always a sigh of relief, though he and Louis are on speaking terms, Louis is stricter and meaner. He refuses to let Harry back out into the field, and refuses to even let him near any kind of drug.

"Louis," Harry huffs crossing his arms. "I'm telling you I don't feel the need anymore, and I'm going stir crazy staying home all day."

"You went to Jordyn and Bebe's yesterday to help them unpack."

Harry stares at Louis like he just said something dumb, and he did. Harry needs to get back out there, needs to feel that rush of having someone's life in his hands, but Louis is  being protective and strict not wanting Harry around drugs while in recovery. Which is completely understandable since Harry is in a fragile state and the addiction is still very much present in his body cravings.

"Lou," Harry whines sitting up on the bed crossing his arms and pouting like a child. "I can handle it."

"Obviously you can't. If you could you would have not got hooked on drugs in the first place," Louis says lifting his shoulders in a shrug. He then pushes himself up off the bed, the sheets falling away from his naked body leaving him exposed. Harry stares for a moment happy that they're at least intimate again, but it's also bitter because Louis is still being mean to him.

"One mistake. I fucked up, it happens, so quit treating me like a damn child!" Harry pushes the blankets off, and grabs his briefs from the floor pulling them on.

"Yes, Harry. You fucked up, you put yourself in this situation, so you're going to deal with consequences now."

Harry huffs following Louis out the bedroom door toward the bathroom, and Harry pouts trying to think of a better argument. "I'm ready, Louis."

"No you aren't. I know what's best for you, Harry!"

"The fuck!" Harry shouts as they enter the bathroom. "Fuck that. You don't know shit about me, or what's best for me! Being in this house all day and night alone is driving me crazy, and honestly if I wanted to get high I would have by now. So fuck that and you thinking that you know me!" Harry yells.

Before he can even think twice about his words Louis spins around taking Harry's jaw into his hand, squeezing hard enough so Harry can't move his head to look away from Louis, and Louis' eyes are far too intimidating to stare at so Harry shifts his eyes to the  shower. "Look at me," Louis demands in an eeri calm voice. "You don't talk to me like that. I damn well know you like I know the back of my hand. I know every square inch of you, I know your favorite things, and the things you don't like. You hate when characters don't listen to you in the movies or books you watch and read, I know that when you're sad I should give you space and then cuddle you, I know if you're angry that calm words will sooth you as well as soft touches to your arm, I know how to please you, to punish you, I know your limits, I know what you think before you think it, so don't say that I don't know you."

Harry's quiet, stunned with the confession, and shocked that Louis really thinks he knows him.

"Understand me?" Louis asks.

"Yes sir."

Louis smiles gently slapping Harry's cheek in a few quick, painless taps. "I've got to shower, and maybe I'll think of something for you to do."

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