Pale Waves

90 19 13

Pales Waves are an indie-pop/dream-pop/alternative band from Manchester, England. They are produced by Matty and George from the 1975, therefore their music bares quite a resemblance to that of the 1975.

Although their music is quite pop-oriented, they do sort of have a more gothic aesthetic, as can be seen from the lead singer:

Although their music is quite pop-oriented, they do sort of have a more gothic aesthetic, as can be seen from the lead singer:

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Their lead singer is the one with the black hair

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Their lead singer is the one with the black hair.

Most popular song:

Television Romance

(They actually only have two songs right now, i think they had more, but they were sadly deleted.)

They are similar to artists like:

The 1975; Pale Waves is often called the "female version" of the band.

Here is a song by The 1975 for comparison, I guess (?)

Ok that's all I must say, I think Pale Waves is good and you should definitely give them a listen if you like indie/dream pop music!

Bye! 🌻
-Martyna xx

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