Scarecrow Kilios

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Consider this a sequel to the one-shot with the most perverted pick-up lines collection(aka Kilios).
"Kilios, cuddle me!"

You glomped your husbando the moment he crashed onto the couch. Hey, fighting off crows really takes the energy out of a person.

"(Y/N), please," he sighed as he ruffled your hair.

You simply wrapped his cape around you and buried your face into his chest. Kilios sighed.

"Okay, okay, fine," he relented, burying his face into your hair.

When Kilios got the job and upgraded himself to Scarecrow Kilios status, you spent less time with him and he was constantly tired. Hence, you were pleasantly surprised when he was still in bed with you the next day. When asked why, he simply said he was taking the day off and promptly went back to sleep.

When you went out to the backyard, you noticed a large amount of crows flying overhead in circles.

"Huh, that's a large flock of them. Kilios!"

The moment you uttered his name, the crows screeched and dove right at you. Cursing, you tried to open the door. However, a crow crashed right into the door, making you jump away from the house.

"Kilios, could use some help about now!"

The crows flew around you, pulling at your hair and trying to peck your eyes out. Just as you tried to swat a crow away, you heard the sound of air rushing past you.

"(Y/N), are you hurt? Do you need to go to hospital?"

You opened your eyes to see yourself in the house yet again. Kilios was half-dressed and honestly, it was a better view than the picture of him in Gacha Resort.

"Considering that I still have my eyes, I'd say I'm more or less okay."

Kilios sighed in relief. "Stay here. I'm gonna slaughter those birds."

"I wouldn't mind, but you might wanna get dressed first."

While Kilios was dressing, a crow crashed into the window. And another. And another.

"(Y/N), what did you summon?!"

"I didn't even do anything!" you screeched, picking up the Gacha sword. "What kind of Conjuring BS is this?!"

"Never mind, I'll just destroy them all!" Kilios yelled over the squaks of crows.

Roughly half an hour later, the deed was done.

"Thank you, Kilios," you said, bandaging his arm. "But what do we do with the corpses?"

"Can we eat it?"

"...Honestly, I don't trust the birds. We should just bury them. And maybe stock up on holy water and stakes."

"Not a bad plan."

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