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The girl cried out in pain as the hot iron touched her naked back.

"Let the iron cleanse you!" The nun yelled down at the young girl, now covered in her own blood.

"Please, please stop!" She cried out in pain.

"The Devil is within you child, we must cleanse you!"

The Devil was not in her, but he was close. And technically he wasn't the Devil, just misunderstood underling.

He could hear her cried of pain and longed to comfort her. But he couldn't help her. He'd gotten her into this mess, and now she must face it alone. She must hate me, he thought to himself.

The iron once again made contact with her blistered, bleeding skin. Her cried made the young demon cry. He had never meant to hurt her, he just wanted to understand her.

Three days earlier

The young demon watched the young girl from across the room. She was petit, blonde, but mostly she looked pure. That's what he was looking for. He had lived his life in darkness, surrounded by liars, he wanted to know someone who was better. Someone who was better than him.

Gathering his courage he walks across the room to her.

"You know it's impolite to stare, sir." She says, smiling at the young demon.

Her voice sounded like birds singing in the morning. He stared at her for a moment before smiling back.

There small talk turned into long conversations. They learned about each other. The young girl was enchanted by this foreigner who didn't seem to know anything about their culture. The young demon was fascinated by the light in her eyes and hope she spoke of.

They talked until the young girl was told she had to go.

"Will I see you tomorrow?" The young demon asks.

The girl smiles, "if you're lucky."

The demon was lucky, or so he thought. The next afternoon he did see her. When he had his chance he went up to the young girl again. The smile she gave him when he came up to her made his heart speed up. What was this feeling?

"Is there a chance that I might be able to steal you away this evening?" The demon whispers in her ear.

The girl smiles, "Meet me by the clock tower at 8."

That night, the young demon stood nervously under the clock tower. He paced, worried that she had maybe changed her mind.

But, alas, she showed. The young demon stared at her. She was dressed in an elegant white dress, hair pulled up.

"You look beautiful," the demon tells her.

"Why thank you."

The young demon took her on a walk, holding her hand as they entered the dark woods.

"Aren't you afraid?" She asks.

"As long as you have someone's hand to hold, you have nothing to fear." He tells her.

They came to a clearing in the woods. The moon shined down and all around the clearing were night blooming flowers.

"It's beautiful." She murmurs.

The young demon lead her to the center and sat her down.

"I know we haven't known each other long, but I'm completely and totally enchanted by you." The young demon says.

Slowly, he leaned forward and kissed her cheek, checking to see if she was alright. She turns and kisses him on the lips. The demon grabs her face, deepening their kiss.

Laying down, their kisses became more and more passionate. Before long it seemed they had gone too far to turn back.

Soon they were naked, the demon cherished her unblemished perfect body. He was enthralled at how good she made him feel. He was amazed at how good he could make her feel.

They woke up, naked in the clearing. She shivered and he held her closer.

"Thank you." She says.

"For what?"

"For being simply amazing."

Before the demon could answer, he heard voices coming from the tree line.

"I found them!"

The demon stood quickly.

"I have to go."


"I'm so sorry."

He gave her a quick kiss before leaving her, naked in the clearing.

And there he was, left listening to the cries of his angel.

"We're making you holy again!" The nun yells.

"Please! Please just stop!" She begged, but they didn't stop.

"You will thank us later, when you're holy once more." 


Another one done, in the universe.

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