Walk the Dog

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When my friend asked her to house sit I wasn't really bothered. I'd been to her house a couple times. Sure it was huge and kinda freaky, but I wasn't afraid.

She had me over the day before they left for vacation.

"Now, there's not much you need to do. Water mom's garden, feed the animals, take the dog out for a walk." Shelly tells me as she shows me around the house.

"Sounds simple enough."

"Now, there's one thing you can't do."

"Ok..." Confused about her sudden turn from cheerful to somber.

"Make sure you're out of the house by dark. It's dangerous."

"Ok... Sure..."

I didn't pay much attention to her warning, what's the worst that could happen.

So the day they left, I came and checked on the animals that evening, before dark, and left when everything was done, before dark.

I went morning and night, though always when it was light out. My sub conscious must have been warning me that this place was dangerous at night.

Three days into taking care of Shelly's house, I overslept in my afternoon nap. It was almost dark.

I hurried over to her house, checking on the animals. I looked at my watch, it was close to sunset. But I still needed to walk the dog.

Grabbing the dog's leash I called her to me.

"Everly! Come here girl!"

I heard heavy footsteps coming my way. I took a step back, confused. Everly was a small bull dog, there was no way she could make that much noise. Not to mention make the photos on the wall jump.


Suddenly, a huge creature bounded into the living room where I was. I screamed. It was at least ten feet tall. I ran into the wall and slid down it, cowering and covering my face.

I felt something drip down on my head. Looking up tentatively, I saw that it was Everly, well, sort of. She was now ten feet tall and had three heads.


The dog shook its tail and sat down in front of me.

"Oh my god this cannot be happening."

"You were warned not to come at night, dearie." I heard a male voice to my side.

I turned and saw their black cat Sebastian.

"Sebastian?" I ask, afraid that the cat was going to answer me.

"The one and only."

"Oh hell no. This is not happening. What the fuck is going on. I must still be dream. Right? There's no way this is real."

"Calm down. It's real, no one here is going to hurt you."

"You can talk, Everly is ten feet tall and has three heads, nothing is alright."

"Look, Shelly wanted to tell you about us but she was afraid."

"I-I don't understand."

"We're supernatural creatures."

"And Shelly knows?"

"Of course she knows. The whole family knows. They're all supernatural creatures."

I put my head in my hands. This can not be happening, I say to myself.

"Lucky you, it is!" Sebastian says, coming to sit beside me.

"You can read my mind?"

"Yes, and you girlie are a nasty girl. I liked you from the moment you started handing out with Shelly."

"I must be crazy."

"Now, now. This is all real. When Shelly and the family come home you're going to have to tell them you know. I'm sure we can trust you, right? We wouldn't want to take out any complications."

I swallowed hard, suddenly afraid.

"Sebastian, stop torturing the poor girl. Can't you see she's scared to death?" Shelly's other cat walks in, Bast.

"You can talk too?"

"All the creatures in this house are supernatural."

"Oh my god."

"Don't freak out, you're going to be fine." Bast says.

"Ok, so what now?"

"Well, you took care of us. We can take care of ourselves for the rest of the night. Go home. Don't call Shelly yet. Wait till she comes home." Sebastian says.

"Ok..." I say, standing and walking to the front door.

All three animals followed me to the front door.

"Farewell Nancy, see you tomorrow." Bast says.

I walk out of the house and sigh. Take care of my house, she said. It'll be easy she said. Shelly had a lot of explaining to do when she got home.


It's super late but here it is. 

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