I Turn the Page

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I sat alone in the back of the bookshop. That's how I liked it. It was quiet here and I could get my reading done for school.

I liked the small bookshop here in town. It had a lot of books by local writers and little authors, but still had books from famous authors. There was also a pretty good coffee shop inside, so that was nice.

I took a sip of tea before turning the page of the book I was reading.


I look up and see Jeanette, a girl in my grade in school.

"Hey Jeanette." I reply, hoping she'll leave me alone.

"Are you reading the homework from English?"

I look up, annoyed. "Yes, I am."

"Is it alright if I join you? I need to get the reading done too."

"Yeah, whatever."

She sat in the big chair beside me with her book bag and cup of coffee. She got out the book and a pen.

I watched her as she began to read. I didn't understand why she would want to hang out with me. No one wanted to hang out with me. Most people avoided me because they thought I was weird. Which was fine by me, I don't care what people think of me.

After several long minutes of silence, Jeanette put down her book and began studying me. I looked up and stared at her.


"Why don't you like people?"


"Why won't you let yourself have friends?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

'I've known you almost your entire life, and you've never given me the time of day. Do you really think you're that much better than me?"

"What are you talking about? I don't think I'm better than anyone."

"Well you sure act like it." She says, lifting her book back up.

"You're just gonna end the conversation like that?" I ask, annoyed she'd even brought it up.

"You're a prick, I don't know why I try and be nice to you."

"Maybe I just don't like people."

"No one can survive on their own. We're social animals."

She had me there. Jeanette was smart. Out of all the kids my age I would be most inclined to befriend her.

"I've been doing pretty fine so far."

"No, you aren't. And you're too blind to see that."

That stung. Jeanette seemed to see through my 'give no shits' facade.

"Why are you being so annoying? Is that why you came here? To tell me everything I'm doing wrong?"

"I came here to be your friend, but you obviously don't want that."

Jeanette stood and started to put her stuff away. My heart raced as I tried to decide what to do. I ran through the situations, of trying to befriend her or of just letting her go. I wasn't sure if either was good.

I was about to open my mouth to ask her to stay, but she was already walking. I clench my fists, hoping I didn't just make a mistake.

I sit back in my chair, sigh and continue reading. I turn the page of my book.


The challenge is almost over. Can't believe I've made it this far haha. 

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