Her Couch

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I slept, curled up on the arm of her couch as usual. My human didn't seem to mind when I slept here.

I napped under the warm light above me, happy for the peace and quiet while she was gone for the day.

Sometimes I pondered just what exactly she did all day. Away from me. But most of the time I didn't think of her.

I thought of the outside world. The primal instinct within me to hunt.

When I wasn't sleeping, I would walk around my human's living space. It wasn't very big, but for the two of us it was perfect.

I enjoyed jumping on the tall structures where my human prepared food, but she didn't like that so I stopped doing it.

At night I would either sleep at the bottom of her bed or get the urge to run around the living space. I never knew which one I would do until the sun set.

The door opened and slammed, making me jump off the couch.

I paused and looked up to see my human storming in the house. Her male companion followed her in but she didn't seem to be enjoying his presence as she usually did.

They began yelling at each other. They didn't do this often, but when they did it hurt my ears. I ran into the bed room, but hid behind the door.

They yelled at each other for a long while until suddenly the man stormed out of the living space.

I heard my human sniffle and plop herself down on the couch. Soon enough I heard her crying.

She didn't cry often, but when she did it made me hurt.

I walked up to her couch and jumped up and onto her lap.

She pet me, sniffling. She then pulled me into a tight hug, which I would usually not stand for but I sense that she needed it so I allowed her to.

Once she was done, I curled up on her lap and purred. She pet me some more and said something to me. I never knew what she was saying but I had a feeling I had made her feel better.


Oh my goodness. I actually did it! I wrote every day this month! I'm honestly so surprised. This month just flew by, I honestly don't remember writing like most of these haha. 

I really feel like this helped me with my writing and showed me that if I make a goal I can fulfill it. So if your interested in doing something similar to this, I highly recommend trying it out! It's pretty fun!

Thank you so much for reading, if you've made it all the way through. I hope you enjoyed all of my little shorts. Some are definitely better than others but in order to get better you have to get out all the bad ones. 

Thank you again for reading!

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