Grass Cuttings

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The man sighed as he began work. It wasn't a mind numbing desk job, he was glad for that. But mowing peoples lawns was not what he had in mind either.

He worked for a landscape company and they seemed to think the only thing he was good for was mowing the lawn. Oh well, at least the pay was good.

Getting on the large lawn mower he began to mow the large lawn. He was working in the high end part of town. These people were the closest thing to rich this small town would ever see. There houses were large, their land larger.

The upkeep was exhausting, so they hired teams to keep it up.

Josh, who had now been mowing this lawn in particular for several months, wanted more from life.

Marilyn, who live in the big house, also wanted more from life.

Marilyn and Josh had met in passing, when she came out to tell him what to do, or if he needed to ask a question.

Marilyn rushed out of the large house, looking for Josh.

Marilyn looked like she had an amazing, perfect life. In reality, it wasn't so pretty. Her husband was never home, she suspected he was fucking his secretary, along with the help. But she never said anything. She didn't have it in her. She was afraid to loose everything she had. But because of that, she had nothing left to live for.

"Josh!" She called out.

Josh couldn't hear her over the loud engine, but he saw her, so he turned it off and began walking towards.

"Is everything ok?"

"I lost my wedding ring." She tells him franticly.


"I lost my fucking wedding ring!"

"Hey take a deep breath. We're going to find it," Josh says, putting his hands on her shoulders, watching her breath. "Ok, well where do you remember having it last?"

"I-I don't remember... This morning while I was out on a walk... Oh no. It may have fallen in grass. Jesus Christ, if I loose this ring Franklin is going to kill me."

"Well let me check the glass clippings bags, maybe I mowed it and it's in there.

They walk over to the lawn mower together. Josh takes the bags off and dumps it on to the ground. I searches through the grass cuttings.

"Oh god, it's not there. What am I going to do!"

"Hey, Marilyn. Look."

Marilyn turns and sees Josh holding up her wedding ring.

"Oh my god you found it!" Marilyn says, grabbing it and putting it on. In the heat of the moment she grabs his face and kisses him quickly on the lips.

"Sorry, t-that... I-I shouldn't have... I'm sorry." She mumbles, blushing.

Josh stands up and takes off his gloves. He pushes his hair back.

"You shouldn't have to be so scared just because you lost a ring. If you were my wife you wouldn't have to worry about things like that."

Josh and Marilyn stared at each other for a moment. Josh leans down but Marilyn turns away.

"Josh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"Why, because you're married?"

"Yes, because I'm married."

"He doesn't love you."

Even though she knew he was right it cut her so deep to hear someone else say it.

"I know..."


"I have to go. And you have to finish mowing the lawn."

And with that, Marilyn walked away from Josh.


This is ridiculously short compared to yesterdays. But it's Friday and I'm very tired. 

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