Ron harry and hermione just left on a dragon with the goblin

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Scarface Ginger updated his FB status:Ron harry and hermione just left on a dragon with the goblin. they wouldn't tell me where they were going but Ron wasn't hungry so it seemed sirius.

Mama Ginger: I hope they are okay and do we have to use these retarded code names? Can't we just get privacy settings?

Muggle Ginger: it's important! muggles have got these things called hookers who can take over your computer or something

SexyGirl Ginger: it's hackers dad, not hookers. *facepalm*

Wolf Daddy: they broke into Gringotts! fuckin Gringotts! James and Sirius would be so proud!

Freddie Kruegar: wow ikle-ronniekins has surpased even us. never thought this would happen, did we George?

Holy Ginger: never despair unholy twin, when this is over we will

Do something AMAZING!

Lengthy Butt: they are here! they are at the school! apparate to aberforths and ask him about getting to Hogwarts! p.s. I still hate my nickname!

Dragon Ginger: hell yeah! that's what I be talking about

Prat Ginger: sup all, I'm on your side now :)

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