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{Jacks Pov}

I LOVE YOU! Too the moon and back ! U mean the world to me!
You make my heart melT! I love you! PLEASE MARRY ME OML!

Jack 💚
I love you so much too! We can hang out today at like around two! I'll see you at the park! The park were we had our first date!

Okay bubba! I'll see you then! 😘 love you!
Message seen

I turned my phone off and went to get ready. I only had about 20 minuets.
I didn't really want to see Ellie, I wanted to see Finnie instead but because she's my girlfriend, so I should look after her and make her feel happy. Ellie has been getting a lot of hate recently and I don't really appreciate it. I see the drama and sometimes get really shocked about it, but I don't really believe it.

After 20 minuets I walk myself to the park. I look at the tall green trees that cover me from the heating hot sun. The leaves fall slowly down to my feet as the birds start chirping, and a bird almost pooing on my shoe.

{Ellie's Pov}

Ellie 💞
Hey cuz I'm hanging out with jack, I just want to say that I'm his girlfriend and this whole FACK thing is stupid! You should like stay away from my Bae cuz he's not gay alright? Good! Thx bye 👋🏽

Ew Finn 😒
WHAT THE HECK!? first of all that's so rude of you to say that! IDC if you think fack is stupid and second I'm NOT gay! He's my best friend and I love him so much! If your going to be this type of girlfriend I'm gunna! Wait you know what I'm going to screen shot this and send this to jack! Wait actually the internet! That's just rude!!!

Ellie 💞
No you can't :)

Ew Finn 😒

[ Ellie 💞 deleted all messages ]

Ew Finn 😒
Message seen

Now I have dealt with Finn I can finally be with my jack! I see jack from the distance just enjoying the trees so I quickly get my phone and change Finns name to 'Jacks Friend Finn 😊' so Jack won't notice a thing! I'm so happy that I got to be jacks girlfriend! Out of all the girls from school, he chose me! The beautiful, flawless girl in school!

I walk up to jack giving him a small fright.

"Hey jack! So why did you want me here? " I ask.

"Can I quickly see your phone real quick? I left mine at home on charge." He replies back.

"Umm...sure?" I give him my phone and he starts to, idk look for something ?

{Jacks Pov}

I grab Ellie's phone just to see if she has been typing anything to Finn because I feel like she has been doing stuff to Finn. Idk finn just seems to be very moody and I trust my Ellie! Do I?

I look at their messages but they don't really seem to be texting to each other which is good.

"WHAT! NO YOU CANT DO THAT!!!" I say out loud in a more quiet voice.

"What are you looking at babe?" Ellie ask.

"I just saw one of these messages and it says that. Why did Finn say that? You didn't type anything .. did you?" I ask.

"Jack. I didn't say anything. I'm pretty sure he meant to text that to someone else." She says with a small smile.
"You trust me do you? "


"Yeah! Of course I do!"

No, I don't want you! I don't like you

"I love you!" I say back. I like her but I don't feel the sparks of love in between us.   

Then she says something. Bad. Like very rude. It was very random because she said it out of the blue [wow that rhymes].

"Okay jack. I did text him. But I also need to talk to you about something. I want you to love me! Hold me! Take care of me! You do. You make me happy and I smile a lot when I see you but I saw you talking with Finn at Jaedens house when I was walking passed. Yeah I know I sound like a creep but seriously! I don't want you hanging out with Finn! Okay! I don't want You to seem...you know....gay. Sorry if I sound rude but really! I love you with all my heart!"
She explains more, but I'm speechless.

My face goes white and I start to walk off. I walk to Jaedens house thinking Finn would be there.

"Oh hey jack!" Jaeden Shouts.

"Uhh...hey! Is Finn in there? "

"No . He left last night. Why what's seems too be the problem?" He asked.

"I just needed to talk to Finn again that's all." I say as I walk off to Finns house.

After walking and walking I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see Ellie. I glance at her beauti- Wait no! I just glance at her eyes. Yeah...jussst her eyes.

"Look I'm sorry for what I sa-"

"No Ellie it's fine. Right now I just need some air and need to speak with Finn! Ok!" I say as I cut her off.

Then as I try to walk away but she grabs my arm. Really tight.

"No! You love me! Not Finn! I told you not to talk to him!" She shouts.

I tug away and start running to Finns house. I bang on the door for Finns mum too open and quickly run inside as I slam the door behind me.

"Um...Hi jack? What's wrong ? Are you hurt?" Asks Mrs Wolfhard.

"No Mrs wolfhard I'm fine. I was just bei- umm...yeah is Finn home?" I ask.

"No he left like 10 minuets ago. I think he went to the mall or something."

"Okay thank you." I say as I leave the house. I carefully look around to see if Ellie is around. It seems like she left... so I just continue to walk till a bag covers my face, causing me not to breathe.

There's a lot of Ellie drama happening lately....damn.

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