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{Jack's Pov}
After Ellie left 5 minuets ago, I sat on my bed with my hands on my head thinking

Why would Sadie tell that psycho bish?
Sadie is smarter than Ellie in every single way! What is going on?

I lay down on my bed looking at the ceiling, confused I than ever. Still thinking on what was happening, then I hear a vibrating noise to my left. (Don't you dear think something else)
I turn my head to see that there's a phone and I picked it up realising it's not my phone...

Oh crap it's Ellie's.

It was a message notification from Sadie. I thought of opening it but I thought

Nah. I'll just give Ellie's phone back later.

I sit up, throw the phone back on my bed and get up to get food from the fridge but I find myself stopping my pace and turning around back to my bed. Realising something. I'm so stupid!

I jump back on my bed and grab the cold phone in my warm hands. I open up the notification to be stopped by a passcode.

Crap. She didn't tell me her password. I mean she probably did but I don't have a brain and forgot.

I try putting random number combinations and being incorrect every time. I've tried her birth year, my name in numbers, her dead pets name but I was still incorrect. The only password combination I haven't tried were the obvious ones.

I swear to god, if Ellie's password is 1234 I'll be such a disappointed ex-boyfriend.

I put in the code and it unlocked.

Are you serious? That's your password?! After doing every other combination, That's your password?!

After having a 5 minuet rant on her sucky password I go to messages and read her and Sadie's conversations. I scan over the messages and just can not believe what I'm reading. I read more and I'm so triggered.

To make this short, basically Ellie threatened and blackmailed Sadie just to know all the private information about Finn. Because Ellie is good at editing photos and stuff, she used one of her editing tricks to make it look like Sadie was sending nudes to older men. I gagged a bit on how disgusted I am.

The recent messages were Sadie getting all worried that Ellie told someone and thought she was the blame to it. I felt so terrible and heartbroken to see one of my friends being threatened by my disgusting ex- girlfriend.

She started calling the phone and I picked it up to talk to her and apologies to what Ellie has done.

"Ellie! Please don't tell anyone! Especially Finn! He'll be so pissed at you and probably hate me forever if you ever tell him that I told you! Please don't!" She begs taking small sniffs in between her speech.

"hey it's okay. It's me jack!" I attempted to calm her down but I think I made it worse because she sounded like she was having a mental breakdown...

"Omg omg omg! Jack! You didn't hear a thing! I didn't say anything! Please don't tell this to anyone! Are you with Finn?! Is this on loud speaker? Tell Finn I'm sorry! Why do you have Ellie's phone? Omg I'm going to get killed! You didn't hear a thing! Is Ellie th-"

"Hey calm down! Just breathe! Inhale and exhale. I just broke up with Ellie or thought I did and she left her phone here. She told me you told her about Finn and I read the messages and look, it's not your fault! Don't blame yourself! It's fine I'm on your side! Everything will be okay!" I say in the calmest voice I could ever attempt.

I could hear her crying over the phone and sobbing. It sounded like she was so hurt and I honestly felt so bad!

"You don't understand how scared I am right now jack... I'm so afraid by everything! Once my mum tried to put her hand on my shoulder and I flinched. I literally jumped. My mum was worried about me because I've never done that to anyone!" She says as she took deep breaths.

I was a bit confused. Why was she scared? This all happened through text didn't it?

"Wait. Why are you scared? You and Ellie texted each other. Why are you so afraid?" I asked.

"Because, because she threatened me in real life. Someone told her my address and went over to my house at midnight. I was asleep and then I heard a loud thump. The noise woke me up and I saw a figure by my window with a knife. I was going to scream to get my parents attention but she put her gross hand over my mouth and placed the 8 inch knife to my neck and whispered in my ear
'text me all the information about Finn Wolfhard or else I will come back to your house at night and put this knife through you heart and no one will ever know I killed you' and then left me in terror!"

The information made my jaw drop and I was in pure shock! She told Ellie the info about Finn and Ellie found out on the news that his brother died. This felt so dramatic to me. She then said how scared she was if Ellie leaked the fake information about her because she knew her parents would hate her and disown her as their child and probably kick her out of the house.
I told her everything was going to be alright and went to delete all the fake photos.

I had to fix this. I had to get my boy back and get myself together! I got Ellie's phone and instead of giving it to her I threw it on the floor as hard as I could for it to smash. Put all the evidence in the bin and went to my bubba.


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