Chapter 3

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Bella's POV


I was walking backstage until Aj came up to me.

Aj:" Hey sis. Triple H wants you in his office now."

Me:"Hey Aj and thanks for telling me."

Aj:"Your Welcome now go."

I Triple H's ofgice door and knocked. "Come in." I came in and saw Dean, Seth, and Roman in chairs.

Triple H:"Take a seat Bella."

Took the only seat avaliable it was next to Roman.

Triple H:" Ok since all of you guys are here we can get to the reason why you hiys are here. Bella you are going to join the Shield and be in a storyline with them. Also you will.go out there tonight on commentary during the Shield's match against CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler and Big E.


After that I headed to my locker and put on a The Lee Sister shirt on. It's cut like Aj does hers, Hollister booty shorts and black Converse on. I put my belt on and headed to the stage. The Shield's music came on and They came down the stairs, then CM Punk's music came on and Punk, Dolph, and Big E walked dowb the ramp an got in the ring. Then my music came on and everyone in the ring are looking at me. The crowd is cheering for me. I went to commentary and put on a head set.

( Let say JBL and Micheal Cole are there. I knoe their not there during Main Event.)

I took a seat next to JBL.

Micheal Cole:" We have the Women's Champion with us tonight."

JBL:" How are you Bella?"

Me:"Good and how are you?"

JBL:"Good so why are on commentary tonight?"

Me:"To see this great match."

Micheal Cole:" So who do you think is going to win?"

Me:"The Shield."

Micheal Cole:"Why?"

Me:"Because they work togather and they have great skills in the ring."

Micheal began to ask me another question. When I said.

Me:"Micheal be quiet and watch the match."

The match started and Dean and Punk locked up. Punk threw Dean into the turnbuckle and started throwing his fist at Dean's head, Dean pushed Punk off him and started kicking him in the gut. Dean dragged Punk into the Shield's conner and tagged in Seth. Seth started to kick Punk, Seth then got Punk on his feet and Punk the took control and got Seth to his conner and tagged in Dolph. Dolph went to bodyslam Seth and Seth moved justin time.Dolph got his shoulder slammed into the turnbuckle. Seth the got ontop turnbuckle and dropkick Dolph and went for the pin, but Big E broke up the pin at 2. Seth tagged in Roman and Dolph tagged in Big E, Roman clotheslined Big E and Big E got up but Roman clotheslined him agian. The Roman gave Big E a splash and went for the pin but Big E kicked out. Roman went for the Superman punch and went for the pin.




Punk, Dolph, and Big E left the ring.

The Shield's music came on and they put their fist in the middle. I got up and looked at them and walked up the ramp without breaking eye contact. Once I got backstage I was heading to my locker room when the Shield came up to me.

Me:"Hey guys good job out there."

Seth:"Thanks.So Bella would you like to go out with us for dinner?"

Me:"Yeah sure who else is coming?"

Seth:"Tamina and Kaitlyn."

Me:"Ok what should I wear?"



Seth:"Meet us in the Lobby at 8."

Me:"Ok see ya."

I headed back to my locker room got my stuff and went to the hotel.






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