Chapter 28

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Bella's POV

Today was a regular day being filmed for Total Divas. I had to make at least another friend on the show besides Rosa so I am starting to hang out with Alicia. Alicia is a pretty cool chick. We have a few things in common. I was talking to Alicia when Rosa came over.

Me:"Hey Rosa!"

Rosa:" Hey Bella!"

I stood up and hugged her and she sat down and we started talking.

Alice:" Now we are waiting for the Fourth Amiga!"

Me:" Who is the Fourth Amiga?"

Rosa:" You didn't tell her Alica?"

Alica:" No."

Rosa:" Oh my Gosh there is going to be drama."

I didn't ask either of them who it was because I know they won't tell me so we ordered our lunch and the mystery diva's lunch. Rosa and I were talking about our Tag Team when I heard the mystery Fourth come up.

?????:" Sorry I'm late guys."

That sound like a British Accent. Wait it can't be her. I looked away from Rosa and looked Towards Alicia and I saw Paige.

Alicia:" it's cool girl."

Paige sat down right in front of me. Uhh I don't like this girl at all. Paige was looking at me and I was getting on my nerves.

Me:"What are you looking at Paige?"

Paige:" Nothing."

That pissed me off. Alicia and Rosa both know I can't stand Paige. They should have just told me and I would have understand. They didn't tell me though and that made me beyond pissed. I finished eating.

Me:" Alicia and Rosa sorry I have to go do things."

Alicia:" It's cool girl we understand."

Me:" Thanks."

I hugged Alicia and Rosa goodbye. I know that they know I have nothing to do. I feel bad for leaving them though. I was about to leave the restaurant when Someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Rosa.

Me:" Hey Rosa."

Rosa:" Bella, Alicia and I know you have nothing to do. You just wanted to leave since Paige showed up. So I just wanna hang out with you."

Bella:" Ok Rosa we can hang."

Rosa and I went to this local boutique that hat purses, watches, beanies and a lot more things. Rosa went int the dressing room to try on a dress while I was looking at some MK cross over bags when I heard my name.

Rosa:" Bella come here!"

Me:" Coming!"

I went over to the dressing rooms and Rosa was wearing this nice dress.

Rosa:" How do I look in this dress?"

Bella:" Smokin' hot girl!"

Rosa:" Really?"


Rosa got me to try on a few dresses. I hate them dearly, but they are cute. Rosa ended up buying a few dresses. I got a MK cross over bag and a dress Rosa wanted me to get. That's All I got. We headed back to the hotel. Once we got there we said our good byes and headed to our room. I walked to the bathroom. I showered and put on Hulk pj bottoms and a Marvel shirt. I sat on the bed when I got text messages.

Unknown: Bella you are a beautiful, an awesome wrestler, but you have a big mouth that got you in trouble. You might not be Women's Champion much longer. Im a Superstar if your wondering and I'm not Randy.I watch you everyday. Also I don't like how you are dating Roman.Hope to see you soon babe.

I re-read this text so many times. I have a stalker and it's not Randy. Also, they might try to break me and Roman up. I kept thinking about who it is.






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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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