Chapter 24

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At the Arena

Bella's POV

I grabbed my new attire from Sandra and I Love it.I went to my locker room and put on my title around my waist. I walked out just walking around when I saw a familiar beard. It was Daniel Bryan he is ok in my book. I started to walk away when I heard his voice.

Daniel:" Bella is that you?"

I turned around to face Daniel.

Me:" Yeah that's me."

Daniel:" Wow you dyed your hair and your still women's champion. That's awesome."

Me:"Yeah we'll I'm glad your back to the WWE."

Daniel:" I'm glad too you should hang out with Brie and I."

Me:" I don't know. I will see."

Daniel:"Ok see you around."

Me:"See ya Daniel."

I walked off thinking about what Daniel said about hanging out with him and Brie. The women that made my sister lose her title to Nikki. By kissing her. That's real messed up. But, I never talked to her before but I don't like her really I don't why though. I went to catering to fill up I got a cheeseburger,fries, and a water. I sat down and started eating when someone sat down in front of me. It was the Bunny that Adam Rose is having problems with. The Bunny waved at me and got up and shakes his butt and hopped off. I laughed and finished my food and threw away my trash and headed to Matt Crana office. I knocked and he said "come in". I walked in and took a seat.

Matt:" Hello Bella I'm glad you stopped by, because I have your script with John Cena."

Matt handed it to me and I scanned through it and it's pretty long.

Me:"Thanks Do I have a match against anyone tonight."

Matt:" No but your going to throw pies tonight and say Happy Thanksgiving."

Me:" Awesome at any Superstar or Diva I want?"

Matt:" Yeah except Summer Rae."

Me:"Aww no fun."

Matt:" Now get ready for a great RAW."

Me:" Ok I will."

I got up about to open the door when Matt said

Matt:" Have a great Thanksgiving Bella."

Me:" You too Matt!"

I walked through the arena and I was in front of a screed watching the authority come out when pies came next to me I grabbed two. Then, Daniel came out The Authority left and every one in Team Authority came out. I then ran to the gorilla with the two pies they played my music I stood in front of team Authority when I heard Michael Cole and JBL talk.

Michael:" Oh my gosh Bella looks so different!"

JBL:"Yes she has PURPLE hair, but she rocks it."

Michael:" Yes, but she has two pies I wonder what she is going to do?"

JBL:" I don't know watch and be quiet."

I ran up to Seth (he is still in the shield though in my story) and smashed it in his face then I smashed it into Kane's face.

Me:" Happy Thanksgiving!"

I skipped backstage and I heard Michael and JBL

JBL:"Oh my Cole did you just see that?!"

Michael:" Yes!"

JBL:" I can't believe that just happened!"

I watched Daniel give everyone matches for tonight Seth walked backstage all grumpy.

I watched most of raw them I grabbed two more pies and snuck under the ring. It was Luke Harpers and Dean Ambrose match. I waited till their match end then I crawled out got in and smushed the pies in their face and ran backstage. I am having so much fun doing this. Well I threw some people backstage like The Bellas,Aj, The Bunny, Ryback, and Fandango.

It was the end of Raw The last match I walked out with three pies. I walked up to John Cena and handed him a pie and I walked over to JBL and handed him a pie he took. I then walked to Michael he had his hands out for the pie, but I smushed it into the face. I walked back and went into my locker room and put on my clothes and grabbed one more pie to take with me then I felt someone put their arms around my torso. I turned Around and saw Roman.

Roman:" So I get no pie?"

Me:" You do but later."

Roman:" Ok."

We went back to the hotel and went to our room and put on our pj's. We started eating the pie and Roman was feeding means I was feeding him. I love him so much and I hope he loves me.






P.S: EAT 🌽🍗🍰🍞


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