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Chapter 1 ;

"Puddin'! Where are you?"I screeched, walking in, my hair was bouncing at my Shoulders and I felt so happy, where was my Puddin'? I felt a shadow behind me and someone wrap their arms around me. "You called, Pumpkin?"he said,I could feel his hot breath on my face as I turned around and it sent shivers down my spine. I threw my arms around him. "Oh Puddin',I missed ya ,look what I've got for ya"I said, smiling while pulling out the 'Heckler & Koch MP5K',a new gun that he had been wanting for a while. I took a few steps back so I could look at his face. Well, he had only heard of it 2 days ago but it was my Puddin' and anything he wanted, he got. "Mhm, thanks Pumpkin. Should we try it out?"he said, pulling the gun out of my hand and looking at it for a few seconds. I had already loaded it with bullets.

I bounced up and down excitedly, I hope I had pleased him. "Of course,Mistah J!"I said, smiling at him and flashing him my pearly white teeth. He stepped forward so he was closer to me. He leaned down a bit so his mouth was inches away from mine. "Would you live for me?"He whispered, his eyes darted to every single one of my features making me speechless, no, I'm Harley Quinn, I'll never be speechless. I smiled once again. "Why do you ask ,Mistah J? I already do" I said, looking him in the eyes. "Are you ready to die for me?"he asked, spitting a little. "I've always been ready Puddin'"I answered because I knew that's what he would like to hear.

"Let's go "he said, backing up, turning around and leaving to go to the back garden. I loved the look of the back garden. So much grass, so many things that were alive in the most beautiful way. I stood right in front of the fence, where there was marked a huge 'X'. I looked straight ahead. I had to remember, the rule for this was to never flinch, don't be scared, don't move. I needed to trust my Puddin'. He stood where he was and aimed.

When he pulled the trigger the loud, rippling sound sliced through the air. It was as if it was in slow motion, all I wanted to do was run into his arms and fall asleep to the sound of him saying 'I love you', was that too much to ask for?

I was watching the bullet with my eyes, I watched as it slowly flew across my shoulder and grazed across my ear. Fuck. I wanted to wince at the pain but I didn't want to alter Joker's view of me. I didn't want him to see me as weak. I didn't want to show emotion. I think I'm bleeding, he looks at me for a minute, before continuing. That was clearly a mistake. He wouldn't do that on purpose.

"Puddin'! I'm a bit tired, let's play anotha game "I said, smiling brightly although a part of me was scared. "What was that, Pumpkin? The fun's just begun" he said ,laughing. He quickly fired 5 bullets at me, I screamed as one of those bullets entered my arm. Searing fiery bursts pulsated around the wound, intensifying with each dragging move, jarring and brutal. With each step the pain amplified, the bloody muscle quivered, my consciousness ebbed. Black mists swirled at the edges of my mind drawing me into sweet oblivion. 

I woke up on a white bed. I opened my eyes and stretched. Where was I? Where was my Puddin'? He did it by accident, I knew he did. He couldn't have wanted to kill me, he was just playing.

||Third Person POV||

"How ya doin', Batman" Harley said, coming out. "I'm afraid your buddy isn't here, but ya can wait if ya want?"Harley suggested, opening a piece of gum that she had seen on the table. Just then, the door opened revealing the guy Batman had come for. Her Puddin'. She didn't run to him, he had shot her and she wasn't going to give in easily. She looked away from him and smiled at Batman. "Come on ,Pumpkin, he needs to....go "Joker said smiling at Harley brightly, she nodded without replying.

Cackling like the maniac she was, she walked up to Batman and lunged at him, swinging her hammer wildly at Batman's head. It took everything she had to hit him with such force. Her fist connected with Batman's jaw with a satisfying smack. She whipped around, slamming a roundhouse kick into the Joker's stomach.

"Look Mister J, Batman's head is done in", hysterical tears streamed down Harley's face while she doubled over laughing at Batman, she had just beaten to death with her mallet. She was cut off suddenly by a hand gripping her throat and pinning her against the wall, "I'm the one who tells jokes, not you!", Joker snarled. Harley desperately gasped for breath, "b-but Mister J, I thought", the Joker crushed her windpipe tighter cutting Harley's air off completely, she clawed at his hand with bulging eyes. "You don't think, Harley! You are a prop at my disposal! You are nothing but a rubber chicken, I squeeze and then you scream, that is all!"

Black spots began to cloud Harley's vision, the Joker then loosened his grip slightly allowing the jester to somewhat breath. She took a frantic gulp of air, Joker's green eyes pierced into her blue ones. "Are we clear?", he spat.

"Y-yes Mister J sir", she squeaked.

She had walked to Ivy's that night in the rain and pathetically patted on her front door sobbing. Her friend opened the door and gave her a sympathetic grimace. Ivy then took Harley into the bathroom to clean her up, removing her jester costume and makeup. "This white makeup does good things Harls, not only does it hide your identity, but it hides the bruises too."
Harley's phone rang later that evening. "Harley. I know where you are, and when I want you, I'm coming for you." With that the Joker hung up the phone leaving Harley stunned.

*4 weeks later*

"Hello?", Ivy had answered the phone, the girls exchanged a curious glance. The other end of the line was silent, Ivy was about to hang up until she heard a faint chuckle, "I'm outside", the voice sang.

Furious rapping was coming from the front door. "Puddin',is that you?", Harley asked placing the potted plant on the kitchen table and running towards the door. "Harley don't!", Ivy yelled, but it was too late, Harley had swung open the door and pounced on the Joker.

"You bastard!" She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He caught her swiftly with intentions to throw her off but she snaked her legs around his waist and stuck herself to him like glue. "Harley let go!" he hissed rattling her body. "You-you said you wanted me to stick around and that you was gonna be nice ta me this time for real but ya didn't want me. You let me leave. I've waited so long for you to want me. It's been almost 4 weeks an' only now are you coming to get me, do ya want me? If you don't hold me tight I won't believe you mean it, and that's worse than never being held at all, Puddin'. " Harley sobbed against his jacket squeezing tighter. The Joker was baffled, he had come to simply take back what was is. He had prepared himself to drag Harley back against her own will kicking and screaming, but given the current situation he knew he didn't have to. He held Harley closer to him winking at Ivy who stood enraged in her kitchen.

"Well pumpkin, I'm here now, so let's go home. I missed my little jester."

A man walked towards me but I couldn't be bothered to sit and see who it was. My arm was bandaged but it still hurt like hell. "Harley...long time no see" he said, only then did I look up. Hugo Strange. What was he doing here? I smiled at him welcoming even though this happy thing was getting exhausting I just wanted to cry and start over with my life, no I shouldn't think of that. That isn't what my Puddin' wants. "Such an abusive relationship "Hugo says, sighing. He hands me a bowl and spoon. It looks like some type of soup but it wasn't something I had before. "Mista J can be a bit.....rough at times but he does love me,really"I said smiling and looking straight at Hugo Strange, I was daring him to say anything more about my Puddin'. Nobody talks about my Puddin' like that, with a broken hand or not I would kill this man if he opened his mouth to down talk my Puddin' again.

"What are you going to do about it?"he said pulling out a gun from his pocket. Aiming at my head. "That's so cute. You think you're scary. Well mister, I've seen scary and you don't have his smile" I said laughing. I got up and stretched some more. He wouldn't shoot me. Hugo Strange was a man that thought, he put hours into thinking of plans. He wouldn't act without reason, he wouldn't shoot me. He looked at me carefully as if he was studying me. He gently lowered the gun and put it back into his pocket. Cute.

"What is this?"I said, peering at the bowl strangely, was he trying to drug me? I would much rather eat food that I made myself. I left it on the bed and strutted out. Winking at Hugo Strange with a little giggle. "PUDDIN!"I yelled, I was a bit annoyed but other than that I was ready to jump into the arms of my puddin'. All of a sudden I heard a bang, pieces of the room were falling and dust from the broken concrete and bricks were blinding. I turned around to quickly hide behind the door. "Joker,I know you're in there "came a voice that I recognised, could it be batman?

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