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||Harley's POV||

Honestly playing poker with these men was child's play. They were fairly easy to recognize. Most of them were intermediates but still they had a lot to learn, and I should know, the mafia teaches a thing or two about playing poker. It's easy money.

We're almost done with this game and honestly I got in the bag."So boys, how about we make this interesting, how about all in or nothing?".

Just then I pull out a few rolls of money from last night. "Ok I'm game." One of them smirks. They all agree and bring out their money. It's not much but you know what they say, money is money, no matter what. We were in the last round of betting, the river. We all did our bets and now it was time to show our hole cards. Everyone showed their hand except for me. Good but not good enough. Amateurs."What's wrong Harley? got a bad hand?" I hear someone say behind me. Rick Flag."Why hello there Flag, I was just finishing". I say smirking. I show my hand and collect my money. "Nice making business with you boys, now if you'll excuse me, I got places to be". I say exiting the tent. 

Why was joker asking me to do all these things? Steal money for him, steal expensive items for him by myself? Don't get me wrong, I can definitely handle things by myself but it was a bit weird doing these crimes without him by my side, it was kind of like I was independent. It was a good feeling but it felt strange. Why am I complaining? Everything felt strange.

Ya know as a kid I fantasized this life. I dreamed of understanding why people like my Puddin did the things they do. But I now realize that its just a part of who you are. It is not something you can explain or a switch you are able to turn on and off. You are either a psychopath or you are not. Truth be Told, I am. I know this now. I guess A part of me always has. I just refused to acknowledge it until my first time in Akham Asylum. I was utterly in love with this man.

I knew I was insane, I knew everything I did was delusional, there was no saving me now.

I walked out and into a jewellery store. "HANDS UP! oh wait, I mean GUNS UP"I shouted, pulling out my gun and firing it in the air twice. Everyone turned and looked at me, they rose their arms up and got on the ground. This was so easy, they all feared me. I pointed my gun at everyone, easily pulling the trigger and shooting this man as I saw him try to pull out his phone. He fell to the ground with a thud, right time to get down to business. I shot the case that the watch was secured in, I quickly grabbed the watch and stuffed it into my pocket. This was easy.

Sirens blared and red lights flashed everywhere. I looked back over my shoulder at the guards rushing up to me. "Ugh, brilliant." I huffed. I looked at the glass window in front of me, I was on the second story of the banks building. I needed to get out, but the armed guards coming up the stairs made sure I wasn't going out the way I came. I reached down to my hip and thought, "What goes up, must go down,". I pulled out my pistol and shot the glass out. I ran straight for my new exit and jumped. The fall wasn't high enough to do any damage, but it could hurt your feet after you hit the ground. I had gotten used to it by now, after months of it. I had found a way to avoid the pain by landing swiftly and well, cat like. Seeing that it was my dear Auntie that had taught me the move, cat like was the perfect way of putting it.

I ran a few blocks and hid back behind an alley until the guards gave up looking for me. For a girl who makes a living out of standing out, whenever I tried my hardest, I could blend in rather well. I panted and looked down at what I had stolen. A black banded diamond encrusted watch. "All his trouble for a watch!" I huffed. "What does Puddin' want with this thing anyway?" I asked myself. He had loads of watches very similar to this one already.

I don't think I would have the confidence to ask him. He had just broken out of Arkham's jail and he had to have a therapist, he was always very strange after speaking to therapists, maybe he didn't get the pity he wanted or maybe he seemed less weird when he was talking about his past or future. Whatever it was, he didn't like therapists and it makes me feel so special that I was the only one he showed interest in, he loves me. There's a big difference between the ER and Arkham. The people are way nicer at the ER, and the food is way better also. At Arkham, they look at you like your some sort of misbehaving mutt. They stick their noses up at you. I think working there makes them feel good. That everything around them is not half as important as they are. They don't show you any kindness in the wing.

I was walking and I heard screaming, I looked over at what could be causing the commotion? I didn't do anything yet...well I didn't do anything now. I looked over to my left and there he was, right in front of me. Before I could even blink he had pulled the trigger.

*The Next Day*

I could barely move. My body ached head-to-toe from his fury. Something had gone wrong—I couldn't even remember what; the night before was just a blur—and I had suffered the worst of Mister J's anger. One of the henchmen, Joey maybe, had carried me into my bedroom, where I spent the night in and out of consciousness.

"Pumpkin.....you weren't smart enough. You don't understand the power that watch has....and now it's in the hands of Robin....you have to clear this mess up and get me back that watch or else "I heard Joker say before leaving the room. He didn't have time for me, he seemed really busy. But he does love me, really.

||Harley's POV||

"You see, that watch was for Hugo Strange" Puddin' said, talking in a bored monotone voice, he was taking forever to just tell me the plan. "It was a watch that had been in his generation for years, then when he was desperate for a bit of cash, he pawned it off. Now he wants it back, but he isn't a thief. Who would have no problem stealing the best watch in the world? Us "he said, looking me in the eye. I knew his idea would be golden. "But if you're good at what you do, you don't do it for?"he said, wanting me to finish off the sentence. "free, if you're good at what you do, don't do it for free "I said, smiling widely. I just wanted to reach over and pull my Puddin' into a close hug but he had been feeling distant and I didn't want him to hurt me. "That's right Pumpkin!"he said, his smile was so big that it showed all his teeth. "In return, I would get a mind control potion"

What does he want a mind control potion for? A smile was no longer on my face, was it for me? "Harls, you know I'd never hurt you, I love you really "he said, while pulling me into a forced hug, I tried relaxing but I just couldn't, I pulled away hesitantly. "What'd you need that for?"I asked, looking into his cold eyes. "Catwoman. She's incredible. She's an expert Burglar, she has been doing it for years. She's skilled, she's athletic, she can't be defeated or caught, she's perfect for my plan" The Joker said, I didn't like the way he thought of Catwoman,I don't think he ever spoke about me like that. He obviously seemed to have an interest in her. I tried smiling but it didn't seem as natural as my usual smile that was bright and filled with Joy, this smile seemed forced and fake. Why was I smiling when I wasn't happy?

"Once we have Catwoman under our control, we can make her rob a bank, we could be rich, just think of the luxuries, Pumpkin, just think of everything we could have!"he said, lifting me up and swinging me around, trying to lighten the mood. I laughed as I usually did and hugged Joker tightly after but I was still bugged about the way he spoke of Catwoman, maybe I should just let it go. She was just a toy in this game. "And if she does get caught, she will be taken to The Pit and we will be free living our lives as billionaires!"he said, smiling at me. I understood. I wanted to be happy, I really did but he had been treating me so cruelly lately. "I know you'll be able to get that watch back, Pumpkin" he said kissing me, I kissed him back but there were no butterflies, I wasn't excited to feel his lips on mine. He pulled away smiling before walking out. I sighed, why was I sad? My Puddin' loves me and that's all I want, right?

I have to do now is get that Watch from Robin, but how?

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