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chapter 6

Recap : Joker has a plan to use a mind controlling potion on Cat-woman and Harley is suppose to be helping him with the plan but she's got a plan of her own. Batman and Poison Ivy had an.....interesting time together and Harley needs as much help as she can get in plotting the down fall of the Joker. Will she succeed? Or will she fall into another one of Joker's traps?


2 Weeks have gone and I'm still working as Joker's henchman, or henchwoman. The chemistry that we use to have wasn't there and maybe, just maybe I was falling out of love with the Joker.

Joker squinted closely at me, tongue protruding in concentration, then thrust the needle in with a quick, neat jab.


He clucked mockingly and swatted away my flailing arm. "Don't be a baby – it only hurts because you think it will."

"I shouldn't be able to feel you doin' anything!" I protested from my position in front of him, I was perched on the edge of the fleapit motel bed. I shifted uncomfortably. "I felt it an' it did hurt!"

"Shush." Joker used the unfamiliar forceps he'd found in the medical kit to pull the suturing needle out through the top layer of skin, a task made more difficult by the owner of said skin wriggling like a worm on a hook. He sighed and used his free hand to get a firm grip on one pigtail, stilling me instantly. "Quit squirming. I already gave in to your pathetic whimpering and used local anaesthetic, didn't I?"

"You're supposed to wait for it to kick in before gettin' started though!" From that angle he couldn't see my face, but he heard the beginnings of tearful snuffling in my voice.

Ignoring my whining, he released my pigtail and tied off the first stitch before moving on to the next. He noted I still flinched and tensed, but the wriggling was reduced. Better. So he decided to play nice.

Joker gave a low chuckle as he lent closer to my neck. "Some doctor you are – can't even stitch yourself back together!"

Again he heard, rather than saw, my pout. "Puddin', the cut's on the back of my head."

"So?" he asked lightly. "Didn't you pay attention in stitching-the-back-of-your-own-head-together-class at medical school?"

That would have got a reluctant grin.

"And those are some survival instincts you've got, Harls, stopping a batarang with your head. Though I suppose it is the part of you that's least useful..."

"Hey!" I protested, "I was tryin' to help!"

He raised his free hand to pat at my hair. "Of course you were pumpkin – and I'm sure your thick skull made a nasty dent in mean ol' Batsy's razor-sharp toy."

Despite myself, I gave a soft giggle, flinching only slightly as the needle pierced my scalp once more.

"Rest m'dear,alot of work to be done tomorrow" he said,he hadn't suspected a thing.


When I woke up,Joker was standing in front of me. There was a lady standing next to him,she was the lady from the last time. The lady that had inspired me to get the Joker locked up. She looked incredibly similar to the Joker. The same green hair,intense stare and such a big smile. When they stood side-by-side they looked like such an amazing.....couple. (see picture) "What a suprise,you're awake!"The joker said,smiling so wide that I saw his teeth. "This is way overdue but I think it's time to introduce you to her" he said,looking at the girl version of Joker with such passion that it made me sick. He use to look at me like that. "This is Jokette,Jokette,this is Harley Quinn" The joker said. Jokette didn't stick out her hand to shake mine,she looked at me and rolled her eyes. Like she was so much superior. She made me feel small and replacable but I had to put those kind of thoughts to the back of my head. "Nice to meet'cha"I said,sticking out my hand in a friendly way. She looked me up and down and shook her head. Suddenly,her mouth turned upwards and she had the exact same smile as my Puddin'. "SHE'S ONE OF US!"The joker exclaimed excitedly. It looked like she loved the joker's reaction because she turned to him and said. "See this smile?"

"It's just for you"

Her voice was somewhat deeper than mine but not in a manly way, rather in a sexy way. But somehow she had the same excitement in her voice as me. Every smile that lit up her features was the wrong sort. It's like she ran on cold malice instead of any form of genuine affection. Perhaps she was a baby that was left to cry, or a personality disorder the doctors couldn't fix. Either way she had as much empathy as a medieval mace. The Joker looked at her fondly and it felt like I had just been slapped in the face, I had been replaced. "Well, I've got things to do and places to be "I said blankly, refusing to show any emotion.

I ran out and basically slammed the door. I drove to Poison Ivy's house, no, I wasn't going to cry. I couldn't cry. I just needed to plan Joker's imprisonment faster. I rapidly knocked on her door. She opened the door and instantly pulled me into a hug. News flies around fast and I'm sure she heard about the Joker's new accompaniment. She had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her tanned skin was completely flawless. I doubt she used face masks or expensive products, that really wasn't her M.O. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.

"Will you help me? I need to get the Joker back into Arkham Asylum"I said, walking in and sitting on her couch. "I know what you and Batman did.."I said uneasily, "maybe you could get him to help?" I asked, smiling slightly and looking at her with hope. "Damn, Harley, you have a death wish. hot as fuck" Ivy said, winking at me. I blushed lightly. I walked up to her bathroom, I took my makeup off and looked at myself in the mirror. I am beautiful. Why did I ever wear that hideous face paint?

I looked in the mirror once again and for once in many years, I liked what I saw.

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