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chapter 7

"So when we invade Robin's secret hideout, we threaten him and take back the watch and then we can progress to take over the world. With Jokette by our side" he instructed. I had a phone in my pocket and the recorder was on. I was going to send the recording to Ivy and she's suppose to forward it to Batman and quickly text me back a plan. Batman would send it to Robin so everyone would be informed on the Joker's plans. "You've become awfully trusting of Jokette, haven't' cha Puddin'?" I asked, tilting my head a bit to seem as innocent as possible. "Ah, she's my other half" he said, that sentence lit my heart on fire, and not in a good way. It fuelled my want for revenge, he had played with my feelings and trapped me and made me feel unwanted and like shit for so long. He needed to be gone from my life. "Get your makeup on, now!"he said, before slapping me. "Course Puddin'" I said even though my eyes were watering and tears were about to come falling down from the short pain of that slap.

He doesn't think I'm beautiful. My heart sank but my determination to go through with my plan rose. I quickly ran to the bathroom and applied makeup. I was Harley Quinn again. Beeeeeep! I took out my phone and read the message Ivy had sent 'Everything's set. I love you.'

My eyes lingered on the last sentence. She loves me? Like a sister or as something else? I quickly typed a reply before the Joker came in and took my phone. I put my phone back into my pocket and made sure it didn't look noticeable. "Are you ready, Pumpkin?!" the Joker shouted. "Be right there, Puddin'" I screamed back. I bounced up and down. "You're such an intelligent, beautiful woman. Well done m'love" the Joker said before kissing my forehead. My heart fluttered for 2 seconds before returning to its normal beat. I smiled nicely. "Thanks Puddin!" I said. He looked into my eyes, he was probably wondering why I wasn't radiating happiness. Maybe it's cause I'm not happy. He opened the door and led me to the car. We got in and he drove to something that looked like the pictures I've seen of Batman's hideout. "Do you have your bat?" The joker asked me. I nodded, biting my lip nervously. We got down and The joker used some kind of gun to blow up the door. The alarm went off but was quickly silenced. "Looks like someone's home!" The Joker said laughing hysterically. Robin was casually sitting on a couch. "She's beauty!" The joker exclaimed, I threw a flirty kiss to Robin, winking at him. "She's grace!"

I made a striking pose, blowing a bubble with my gum. "And she'll punch you in the face!"

Joker and I both laughed comically. Batman and Poison Ivy appeared. "Look what we have here! A partyyyyyy" the Joker said and I danced a little, laughing but my palms were beginning to sweat from nervousness. "And Harley's invited" Ivy said, looking the Joker straight in the eyes. With 3 quick strides, I stood beside Batman. "GUYS,NOW!" Robin screamed and at-least 15 policemen came out from their hiding places, surrounding the Joker. "Harley?" The joker said, confused. "You've...you've betrayed me!" He screamed in rage but someone was already injecting him with some sort of serum. "You're the only one I've loved.....you betrayed me..... I made you! I'm...I'm gonna get you!" The joker said but he was already dozing off into a deep, deep sleep. Some police men were taking him away and that's when I turned my face, I hadn't even noticed I was crying until now. "It's okay babes, everything will be okay" Ivy said.


He was in solitary again. He hated to admit that any kind of punishment had an effect on him (and he made sure to never let on as much), but he despised it here. Sure, it gave one plenty of time to scheme. Why, he'd come up with some of his more successful escape plans in this very room! ....It was dreadfully boring though. The only contact he had was when somebody shoved food through the door, but they took off before he could even begin a joke much less deliver the punch line.

He tried to keep his mind off such things by planning his next big prank on Gotham. It was no use though. All he could think of was what got him put in this awful room in the first place. He still didn't understand what happened exactly and it was really beginning to grate on his nerves (particularly the ones around his toes). Maybe if he just sat here and tried to put it all together piece by piece... He'd be a regular detective!

"Now all I need is a kid in bright spandex to attract the bullets!" he declared aloud.

It was a funny line but no one was there to enjoy it and he wasn't really in the mood. Okay, from the beginning then...

Harvey Dent was being escorted past his cell.

"Hey Joker! I hear you're losing your clown girl. They say she doesn't want anything to do with you. From what I understand, she's being released this very day." Two-Face gave a triumphant smirk both sides looking immensely pleased with themselves

All he could do was laugh, changing Harv's smirk to a sneer as the guards pulled him away. If he was trying to get to him, he was going to have to try a lot harder than that. No one knew Harley better than him. She'd be back. She always came back and there's nothing the Bat or these quacks can do about it. In fact, he loved it when she tried to rebuild her old life. It only proved how much power he had when it all came tumbling back down.

Jokette was no-where to be found and he was honestly wishing that Jokette would be as faithful and loyal as Harley. He could only hope that Jokette would get him out of here. He knew if he was still on good terms with Harley then any minute....now! She would have busted him out. Or even made an attempt. Joker hated the fact that Jokette had seemed to just disappear and his faith and trust in Jokette was disappearing too.

He had heard a sound, a sound that was all too familiar.

"Pumpkin?" He cooed, stepping up to the barred window in his cell to peek through. The figure was just a silhouette, but one he'd know anywhere. That hourglass figure, with two pigtails high on either side of the feminine head, he'd bruised, beaten & pulverized that body so many times. "I knew you wouldn't forget about your Mr. J. Hurry up & spring me, before my palm starts to itch."

There was silence for a few tense seconds, before Harley Quinn stepped into the shaft of light out front of Joker's cell door. She looked so pretty, her blonde hair pulled up into those pigtails, her face painted white with deep red lips that curled into a matching, twisted grin like his very own, her bright blue eyes looking at him, right at him, in the dim light under the black mask that concealed absolutely nothing. She just loved that mask.

"I ain't here for you, Mistah J." She answered, stepping forward to wrap her gloved fingers around the bars of his cell.

"..Pumpkin?" Joker said with a nervous laugh. "Come on, now, let's not do this tonight. Spring me & we can deal with this at home."

"We're not dealin' with this at home. I'm not goin' home. I'm goin' somewhere else. Somewhere you won't be able to find me."

"Harley..." Joker said testily as his hand shot out between the bars. Harley fell back just in time for his skeletal fingers to curl in the air right in front of her throat.

"Goodbye, Mistah J..." She sighed as her head canted to the side a bit. She frowned, causing the red painted lips to look twisted, even more so than originally intended upon. She took that final step backwards so that she could turn, symbolic as her back showed to Joker, to escape the maximum security mental facility to the sounds of Jokers screams, howls of laughter & angry yells.

She wouldn't be his pawn anymore, she couldn't do it. Physically, mentally, she was done. She couldn't look back over her shoulder before she launched herself up to grasp onto a sturdy low hanging bar so that she could neatly flip herself up into an air duct.

& that was it. Just like that, she had rid herself of the shackles Joker had tied her in. She was a free woman, to do as she pleased, to not wince in a corner whenever he was in a bad mood. No longer did she have to play his sick games on her heart, or bear the torture he placed on her soul.

She was finally freed.

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