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BILL: him and beverly dated for a long while, until bill moved away to michigan in the 11th grade. sadly, he didn't fit in as well there and didn't have many friends. but, he had one friend, susan. susan and bill became very close very quickly. they dated for a year until it was time for college. bill became a famous horror author and is currently married to an actress and resides in britain.

BEVERLY: after dating bill, beverly sort of lost communication with the losers club. she went to college and became a fashion designer, and is currently married to a famous hockey player. her whereabouts are unknown.

STAN: stan continued to visit eddie for emotional help even after bill and beverly broke up. him, eddie, and richie were often recognized as the "three musketeers." after high school, stan went onto college and realized he was bisexual. his parents never accepted him again, and he ended up committing suicide later in life.

EDDIE AND RICHIE: eddie and richie are still together, even today. richie is now a second grade teacher, and the kids absolutely adore him. eddie became a psychologist, and he helps many people. they were not in touch with stan much outside of high school, but they were devastated to learn that he died. richie and eddie got "married" the day eddie turned eighteen, because he's younger than richie. they currently reside in new york.

so, this is the end of hard times.
i'm actually quite upset to let this storyline go, but i want to leave a few things unknown.
everyone knows no story has a tied up ending.
i'm gonna have a "you may not have noticed," chapter, and a vote on what story to write next.
i loved every moment of this, and i wanted to say thank you.

so, thanks,

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