The Wedding Day

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Races of Arunia

Kaleiks are human-like creatures having no pupils in their eyes and gifted with an intense hearing ability. Most of them have good singing skills that's why most of them are bards. They don't have a country, they travel in groups and build their camps in the forest. For them, bearing a blind child is a curse that's why they leave their cursed children behind, with no company.

Nobles or silver order are a race of individuals with silver hair and red eyes, gifted with superior speed, sight, agility and senses but lacked feelings, therefore making them excellent soldiers. They cannot conceive a child when paired with other races. But if they wanted to, they must undergo a Fahrana (descension) to function as a human with their skills gone. Their home country is Valond.

There are two types of elves in Arunia: Sun elves who were tanned and have bright colored hair with flowery tattoos on their bodies. They practice equity in riches and in abilities. Moon elves, on the other hand, have blue, grey or purple skins due to constant use of magic. Elven mages have ten times stronger emotions than humans. Ildis, which was formerly the territory of the Lith, is their home country and it's structures made of crystals which is the effect of using magic.

Dwarves... you know how they look like. They are skilled in mining.

Liths are humans with animal features like animal ears, horns and tails. They strictly practice good morals and if you did a little bit of mistake, you'll be exiled. Liths are believed to have guardian spirits who guided them from their birth. These spirits must be fed with positive emotions. If a Lith feds his spirit with negative emotions, his guardian spirit will vanish, he becomes an Ileth and will be ordered to be exiled from the camp.


I was rejected by my own people, my own family for being blind. For a Kaleik like me, it's difficult to travel all alone. But thanks to my keen sense of hearing, I barely survived this harsh world.


IT was the bethrotal of one of the Eagles member, Sir Airdan. He loved a dwarf Miss Tillie and they married under a human priestess.

"Eanna be my witness. I will cherish and protect you for the rest of my life. I will be by your side, until the last moment. I will be your friend, your guardian, your love, your family, I love you."

"Mathilda Deagret Stormbrow, as of today, you are my wife and my family. My heart is yours, as well as my life."

"Airdan Ionis, as of today, you are my husband and my family. My heart is yours, as well as my life."

"By the Old Kings and Queens, you are now partners for life and eternity. May they watch over you in your journey together."

Celtic music played as the crowd cheered. I could sense the newly wed's happiness. Finally, they'll be together for the rest of their lives. We're happy for Sir Airdan.

"Your betrayal won't be forgiven any time soon, Airdan. However, congratulations are in order." Boss Diego, Eagles leader, really is a rough guy as always.

"Why are the Eagles here?" asked Miss Sky, suspiciously.

Miss Aida answered her friend. "The groom's side. Airdan is an Eagles member, you know. Apparently we are besties now that we learned we're all on the same side."

"I don't like this. And that guy Diego gave us a 'personal protection.' What's his name, Kole? Gives me the creeps." She even shrugged her shoulders for emphasis.

I didn't help myself but answer back. "I'm sorry for bothering you, Miss Sky. It was never my intention."

She gasped and turned to me with a raised eyebrow. "So you are listening to our private conversations now, too? Great..."

"I didn't... I... I'm...a Kaleik. So I hear... a lot more than I should. I'm sorry, Miss Sky. I did not know it was a private conversation." My sincere apologies.

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