You're My Song

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Love needs not to be possessive. You can't force someone to love you back because people can make decisions on their own. Loving without expecting something in return is the greatest love of all.


IT was a peaceful morning, until someone arrived.

"What are you doing here?" yelled Miss Sky.


"Aw. Where were you Diego? We were so worried about you."

"I have an explanation for everything, you just need to listen to me."

"By all means, do explain yourself."

"When I learned that Victor was taken into the dungeons, I already knew that there was going to be a ball so I took the opportunity. Victor wasn't taken into the dungeons because he knew you. It was because he suspected there was something wrong about the blades of the Silver Guards and they found out about it. You had to be in that ball no matter what, Aida. That's why I... I told you Victor was taken into the dungeons because he knew you."

"Because you knew I would feel guilty and I'd go to Northcliff without a question asked. Why? Why did you want me to be in that ball so badly?"

"Simple introduction. You needed to meet with the higher ups of all countries and they need to meet their Princess."

"But they wouldn't even know who I was if Kael didn't decide to make that announcement and declare me as a traitor.

"Yes. That's why I told him you were going to be at that ball. I just wanted him to believe that I was asking for forgiveness by offering him your life!"

"You... Told him..."

"I know him, Aida. There is no way the Ladies and Lords of the Court would believe you were the Crown Princess if Kael himself didn't make that announcement."

"You lied to me."

"No. I had to lie for you! Kael needed to believe he had the upper hand no matter what!"

I was enraged that I punched my own boss. "You... How dare you put her through all this and make it sound like it was a good idea. You let her go through all that, you made her kill a close friend of hers, you let her believe that it was her fault and you put every one of us in danger because you thought it was a perfect plan. You give your wit too much credit, Diego."

"And you are the one to talk? How easily you forgot, it was only yesterday you butchered your own master. If you didn't kill him, I wouldn't be the leader, Kole."

"I was forced to! And you are hardly the one to talk. Do they even know about her? Does she know?"

"Don't you dare, Kole."

"I'm out. You don't have anything on me anymore. If you don't want me to tell her what you have done, you will let me go." He was silent. "See? You make mistakes, too, Diego. You forgot that I could easily hear you. You have one weakness and I know about it."

"Do you think it's that easy getting out? You will stay as long as we need you!"

I dared him. "Make me."

Aida interrupted us. "That's enough."

Once we cooled down, she walked up to me. "So that was interesting."

"Miss Aida, I'm sorry. I should have let you deal with it. It was very disrespectful. As a leader, I should have let you handle this."

"So tell me, free man. What do you plan on doing now that you are out of the Eagles?"

"I will come with you... If you will have me."

"What? Here? Out in the open?"

When I get what she meant, I blushed. "I... What? OH! No, no! I didn't... I didn't mean that..."

"Relax! I'm just joking... I'd love to have you in our little group of highly unstable individuals."

"AH! Thank you, Miss Aida."

"Kole, I swear if you call me Miss Aida one more time I will..."


"Say it again. It makes me feel all tingly inside."

I just smiled.

"Teasing, are we?"

Then smirked...

"Fine, fine!" Then she walked to Sir Zander. “Hey.”

“Aida. Are you sure about Diego? Just say the word and I’ll be happy to show him the way to hell.”

“I’m sure. I still need him. It’s stupid to be separated at this point.”

“He was your enemy just a few months ago.”

“I’ve dreamt about my future… but not as a hero. Because I thought ‘heroes’ were mere puppets controlled by powerful people to inspire the idiot masses. Much like what Diego wants me to be or much like what Kael is to the Silver Order. I’m not a hero, Zander. I’m a villain. Even when I’m at my best, I’m a villain. Heroes speak with their golden tongues, carry armies to the battles with unknown legends at their back and I have nothing. But villains fight good when they are pissed.”

“Well, just look at us. I think none of us fit into the ‘hero’ category, Aida. You brought the ‘most unwanteds’ of all nations together.”

“Zander… Thank you.”

“I didn’t do anything. It’s all on you.”


"KOLE!" Kuda called. "Aida asked me to make a flute for you."

"She... for me?"

"Yeah. It's not as good as the one you used to have but it sill works, I guess."

"I..." Then she arrived. "Miss Aida! Thank you. I don't know how to thank you. This is... amazing."

"Heh. It's okay. Kuda did most of the work! I'm glad you liked it!"

It's because of her thoughtfulness, her sweetness, her teases... that makes me fall for her more and more that sometimes, I tend to have false hopes.

Lu-bau noticed the new flute I was holding. "Oh. That looks fine. So do you want to give it a go? Or have you lost your Kaleik soul, baby brother?"

Aileen mumbled, “Finally.”

"I'm crushing a bit..." said Miss Tillie.

Miss Sky was impressed. "Bards are so..."

"Hot." said Miss Aida. I winked at her direction.

"Whatever..." said Sir Zander.

"What's the big deal?" muttered Sir Jace.

"Teh…" Sir Faelern averted his gaze.

Miss Tillie sniffed. “I’ve heard about Kaleiks and music, but I never knew…”

“It’s like…” Sky made gestures. “The feeling… Ah. I’m sorry. I’m crying again.”


“Stop crying, Jace.”

“What? You’re the one with ten times stronger emotions, Zander! How the heck are you not crying?”

As the song ended, everyone was teary eyed. I am glad they liked my song. It was a song from the bottom of my heart. Finally, I sang my heart out. I know Miss Aida can't love me the way I love her. But I am glad because at the very least, I was able to express my feelings for her. That is enough.

Love needs not to be possessive. You can't force someone to love you back because people can make decisions on their own. Loving without expecting something in return is the greatest love of all.

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