A Missing Friend

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I may be blind but I could see right through a person's heart. I could notice whether they're sincere or are just lying, whether they're afraid or nervous. I could sense people's grief behind that victory, sadness behind that laugh, emotion behind that numbness... everything.


EVERYBODY was awoken up in the middle of the night by the news that has just arrived. Victor, who happened to be Miss Aida's friend, was missing. It is believed that he was locked up at the dungeons at the Northcliff castle.

"Aida! I'm so sorry. Is he a good friend?" uttered Miss Tillie.

"Yeah. He and Faelern saved my life. I owe him a lot. We need to save him, Til." She was worried and scared. "Faelern.."

"Are you sure this information is correct?"

She was about to speak when Boss arrived. "Is everyone here?"

"Yes. Go on."

"The castle is very well protected. With the Knight Order gone, the Silver Order took the initiative to guard the city and Northcliff Castle inside and out. You know how nobles are, Aida. So you should be aware that there is no way to sneak in without being seen."

"So what? Use a diversion?"

"Possible. But they will realize it's a feint and make things even more dangerous for the diversion team."


"And, well... I always say the best way to enter a castle is by the main gates."

"Sure. Should i buy chocolates and flowers on the way? You know, the usual etiquette for visiting someone's house for the first time?" Miss Aida was being sarcastic.

"There is a ball for the royalty and nobles in the castle next week. I'm sure the Silver Order will be joining as they are allies of the new King. So you have a good chance of sneaking in, Aida."

"You want me to attend a ball... full of nobles?" Sounds like danger for me.

"Yes, nobles and the high society of Northcliff. I also want you to take Kole with you. He is good at finding his way in the dark and he can hear if there is any danger around."

Miss Sky interrupted. "No. I'll go with her. I don't trust you and I surely don't trust your fancy haired friend." Was she referring to me?

"No... You..." Boss seemed a little bit confused. "She needs someone who can guide her in the dark. Kole do it... Kole can do it... find his way in the dark I mean." There is something strange in the way Boss talks now.

"With all due respect, Diego, you're more stupid than you look if you think I would let her go in there alone with an Eagles member."

"I don't have time for your emotional outbursts, mage. The more you try to bind her with your feelings and worries, the more danger she is in. She is a noble. She will always be a noble. But she can't do her job right if there is someone who constantly tries to slow her down because he is ‘worried.’ You are selfish with your love, mage. I suggest you keep it under control."

"Oi! Stop making decisions for me." Miss Aida's raged again. "I'll go. Diego is right: the more people who join us, the more unwanted attention we will get. There is just one problem: my eyes. They'll know right away if they look me in the eyes. They aren't red like the Silver Order members."

Boss immediately came up with a solution. "Don't talk to anyone, and if you absolutely must, look at your feet. They will not dare to question you. Don't worry, if Kole senses any danger, he will get you out."


"You don't have to tell me twice, sweet cheeks. Getting the Princess ready for sail."

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