x I Wonder

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Author's Note :

    Chapter 1 will be having switching of point of views but heed no worry, it's just Chapter 1 or maybe some other upcoming Chapters. I will be puting an "[]" mark to indicate whose POV is up. Enjoy reading!

* x I wonder


The sound of the barrel echoed through the entire room. It is 2:47Am and everyone's already by the dorm and sleeping. Which lunatic would stay up this late just to practice shooting?


I aimed at the target for the nth time and started firing. After the loud noise that the firing made, I removed my earmuffs and walked over to the bench. I searched for my water bottle by my bag pack only to find it empty.

I've been inside the firing range for around 13 hours or so already. I feel exhausted. This has been my daily routine so that when I went back to our dorm, I won't have to stay awake for the next few hours and have a proper sleep for five hours. Five short hours is enough than no sleep at all.

I sighed, feeling like drinking water. Thirsty, even. I need water or I'll dehydrate myself from all the sweat I lost. That's when I decided I probably should head back. I took my bag and slid my arms so that I can properly hold its strap over my shoulder. I was on my way out when I saw a girl standing by the door way and leaning on the door frame.

Hwang EunBi. The newly recruit from I don't know where, don't ask me why I know. I just know.

I walked past by her and about 10 meters away already when I heard her spoke.

"Hey!" But I didn't stop. "Hey there, stop!" But I still didn't. I continued walking before someone yanked my arms and halted me to stop. The force made me turn around. "Didn't you hear me? I was calling you."

"No you didn't." I said while looking straight at her.

"Yes I did. I yelled a few 'Hey's." I shrugged.

"You might have, only 'hey' is not my name." She was about to speak again when I cut her off. "Classes won't start 'till 8Am. Go back to whichever dorm you belong to." I said and then turned back to start walking again and she followed me.

"I'm new here and this place is big. I'm a little lost so, hmmm... I wonder, can you show me the way to my dorm?" I glared at her and she seemed to have froze uppn seeing it.

I extended my hand out and opened my palms open. The idiot held my hand. I almost facepalmed.

"Your dorm number." I said which I didn't have to do for I already know which dorm she belongs to.

"O-oh... dorm number." She handed me her card key. I didn't know she's stupid regardless of the fact that she's a good fighter and shooter.

"I said. Dorm number, not card key." She automatically closed her eyes, probably scolding herself in her head. After a few more moment she inhaled sharply and rummaged through her bag.

"Aha! I found it!" She handed me her dorm number and I started walking. Like I predicted, she followed suit.

"So..." she was first to break the silence. "Like obvious, I'm new. I'm Hwang EunBi, by the way." She said but I was not answering back. After that is a deafening silence. No one spoke and not much noise can be heard considering the time.

The distance from the firing range is not that far. In fact it's just some blocks away but the walk right now is taking too long. It might be the atmosphere, my exhaustion or the girl following behind me that's resulting for this agonizing long walk. The air blowing against us is a little cold, considering what I'm wearing, a fitted volleybal shorts and shirt, I didn't wonder why.

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