Father and Daughter

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Note: About half of this chapter was written by my wonderful friend who is not on this site. She is also the brilliant mind that helps make these story more real. She is my beta and a very good friend and I probably would not have made it far without her. :)


"Hello, Daddy," Jade said to the man before her.

"Hello, Jade dear." The man spoke with a deep, rich voice accentuated by the lilt of a Romanian tongue.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I think you know. It has been reported that two people, in this same area, are aware of the true existence of vampires."

"Only two?"


"Do not sass me Jade," he growled. "You know the law. Why have they not been put to death?"

"Who says they haven't."


"Don't call me that!" she screamed.


"How dare you talk back to me! I am your father!"

Jade rubbed her cheek from the inside, using her tongue. She knew better than to lift her hand. If she did her father would likely do something worse than just slapping her.

"They're not going to tell anyone. That is why I haven't killed them. Are you happy?"

Her father snorted in disdain." Jade you know you have been a disgrace to me for a long time. Why bother trying anymore?"

"Ok fine. I didn't kill them because I knew it would piss you off. Now are you happy?"

Jade yelped as she was slammed against the wall. Her body was held in place by her father's, and one of her arms was twisted and pinned behind her back. She stiffened as she felt his face close to her neck.

"Jezebel De Rossi, you are hereby sentenced to death for the failure to eliminate not only one, but two, humans upon their discovery of our secret," he hissed in her ear.

"VICTOR!" a voice roared from the head of the alley.

Jade took that moment to bring her elbow back and hit her father in the jaw. Using his surprise to her advantage she shoved both of them away from the wall before kicking her father in the chest. When he let go of her arm she ran towards the head of the alley. But she was cut short as he grabbed her hair yanking her to the ground. Before she could even move a foot was being pressed against her throat.

"Liam," her father hissed. "Stay out of this. It does not concern you."

"I am sorry, Victor, but I cannot. As far as Jade is concerned her problems will always be my problems: her triumphs and victories I will share as well. Besides, you have put her through hell once. I will not allow it again."

"Just go, Liam," Jade gasped.

"You heard my daughter," Victor growled.

"Fine, but I want to say one last thing."

She saw her father make some kind of movement with his hand, like he was permitting Liam to speak.

"Give us a kiss," Liam said.

Jade narrowed her eyes. Only she said that. And what the hell did he mean by us? Just the she heard a sound followed by her father falling to the ground. She looked up to see familiar eyes looking into hers.

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