Visiting the Boys

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It had been months since Jade had been in Baltimore. After Liam killed her father she took some time to herself. She then had to leave for Romania in order to take care of family and Royal matters. As the new head of the family she had to go through all the politics and rituals of assuming her seat on the Royals in place of her father. She then had to find a legal way to make sure no one could come after Will or Hannibal again. Once everything was said and done she was finally able to go back home.

Of course she had been in contact with Liam the entire time she was gone, so she was fully aware of the fact that Will had been arrested for some murders, and that Will was blaming Hannibal for them.

She had also heard that during Will’s trial two people were murdered, one being the judge the other the bailiff. Their murders were certainly quite creative too; although one was clearly a homage to Will and the other was a scolding so to say. Two murderers perhaps?

Passing the thoughts off as curiosities at the moment Jade set her mind to more important matters. Normally Jade would have taken her time seeing Will, string him along if you will. However, she wanted to inform him of the resolution to their vampire problems as soon as possible. That was why she was currently standing behind a line as Will sat in a cage. She smiled at the surprised look on Will’s face when he finally took notice that it was her.

“Hello, Will baby. Surprised to see me?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I missed you?” She pouted.

“You are wasting my time J...”

“Alright fine, Party Pooper.” She walked up to his cage, leaning in as close as she could. “I have this sinking feeling that you have a better grasp on things now than before. Which tells me you  probably remember certain things...”

“Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.”

“Oh no, I know. I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to worry about that thing anymore, if you know what I mean.”

“Lady step away from the cage.” One of the security guards said.

“Sorry officer,” she said turning to bat her eyelashes at the man. She then took a few steps away from Will.

“You know I really did not see this happening. I thought you and Hannibal were buddy buddy.”

Will just snorted.

“Alright, I get it. I will leave you be then. Just wanted to let you know that when you get out you won’t have to look over your shoulder. At least... not as far as I am concerned.”

“You mean if.”

“No, I am pretty sure it is when.” She smiled at him before making her way out of the room.


After the visit with Will Jade figured she could kill two birds with one stone. Since she was already out maybe she could slip over to Hannibal’s and talk to him a bit. Let him know that everything was okay.

The walk to his office was short, or at least it was for her. In no time that she was knocking on the door. She figured this time she would be polite about the visit. When Hannibal opened the door a moment later she smiled.

“I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I just wanted to let you know that everything is taken care of. You don’t have to worry about vampires coming after you, or Will, again.”

Hannibal fixed a piercing stare at her fiddling with something just out of sight. "What guarantee do I have that this is true?" He paused for a moment, considering Jade carefully. "I believe you, but what is stopping someone else from trying again? You informed us that our knowledge was a direct violation of your laws."

“You know Will didn’t give me this much trouble.” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. “But I see what you mean. That was mostly vampire politics. Since my father is now dead... by some freak accident,” she shot him a look.” I am now head of the house. So I take his place... on the council, if you will,  though we hate that word.”


“Shut up, I hate it more than anyone here.” She took a moment to herself. “Anyway you are both under my protection." Jade groaned internally knowing Hannibal wasn't go to like the how bit, but also knowing he wouldn't be satisfied with that meager answer alone. "Technically I've claimed both of you." She watched as the suspected shadows of irritation started to darken his features. "It's a formality. Like most societies, being...Royal," she made a face, "comes with certain...” she waved her hand in the air “...privileges.” She started messing around with something again.


“Huh? Oh, sorry.  Only another Royal can challenge my claim. They'd certainly be reluctant to do so since I am such a disgrace to the vampire community, even now that I’m Head of the family. None of my doings would be worth their interest as far as any of them are concerned. If they did wish to interfere they'd still have to come to me directly." Here she paused to smirk in Hannibal's direction knowing he'd be pleased with the next part. "And if anyone does attack you they'll be put to death...even if you attack first."

Just then her ear twitched at the sound of someone making their way in this direction. “Hate to cut this short, but I did say I wasn’t going to take up much time, and I already have. If you want to know more maybe I will catch you later,” she paused. “Like while you are out swimming or something.” She winked at him before slipping into the shadows. She waited until his next patient was in his office before emerging again to leave the building.

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