Will's Back

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Note: This chapter contains adult themes. If you do not want to read such things feel free to skip to the next capter. Have a nice day. :)


Jade was surprised when she answered her door to find Will standing on the other side. Not so much in the sense that he was out, but more the fact that he had taken the time to stop by her house.

"What do I owe the pleasure?" she asked as she leaned against the doorframe.

"I just felt like stopping by for a visit."

Jade looked at him for a moment before getting out of the doorway, letting Will inside, and closing the door behind him. "Hm. I figured you would be over at Hannibal's."

"I was just over there."

"Oh?" It figured that he would have stopped by there, still doesn't explain what he was doing here, now.

"I was a hairbreadth away from killing him."

She raised an eyebrow. "You're telling me this why?"

"I don't know. I figured you'd be angry."

"Why do you think that?"

"You saved him from me, from Matthew."

She smiled at him. "If I say yes are you going to try to kill me too?"

"Should I?"

"Well, you certainly couldn't do it with that gun you have."

He looked down for a moment like he was contemplating it.

"They are useless against a vampire, the most you would do is get them angry, and that would be bad news for you." She walked around him. "Besides, I never did anything to you. At least not anything that I think would warrant being killed over."

"You used me." It was a statement, not a question.

"Yes. Though really, that wasn't the worst I could have done to you. Think about it, Will. Sure Hannibal is great, but he has only lived so long. I am centuries older. Imagine all the nifty things I have learned and what I could have done to you." She stopped walking to face him.

"Why didn't you?" He seemed almost genuinely confused by this.

"Because you served a purpose." She paused. "Also I had no idea how convenient your whole memory lapse thing would be."

He let out a chuckle.

It was then Jade noticed how much Will had changed. She hadn't fully seen it when she had visited with him before, but she had been on a mission then and had spent little time with him. Now was different. She could hear it in his voice, the way he held himself. She could also see some of it in his mind. What Hannibal did to him really did a number on poor Will, something that was made worse by Will's attempt to have Hannibal killed.

"You know I remember that fight. Not the one here. The one in the alley. The things you did, and that you went through. Yet I see no scars, not physical ones anyways."

Jade lowered her eyes. What was with these boys and scars? In a short amount of time both men had commented on them. Did they wish her to bear the marks of her horrible life? Or were they really curious about the fact that she didn't?

"Oh, I have my scars. Just not from that."

"I was going to ask if vampires even scar."

"Like I explained to Hannibal we do. Only if a certain weaponed is used though."

She watched as he carefully took one of her hands in his and lifted it up so it was in the light better. She knew what he was getting at. That had been the arm she had used to block the blade that had been descending on Will, which could have very easily killed him.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours," she said softly.

He looked up into her eyes then, and smirked.

Without really thinking about it she grabbed his shirt and pressed her mouth to his. She entered his mouth with her tongue, stroking against his.

Jade pulled Will down on top of her, not once breaking the kiss. She then rolled them over so she was on top. Their bodies began to move together. For once there was no rush, they took it slowly. Undressing each other with care.

She ran her hands up and down his sides, and he felt the natural heat of lust burning low in his stomach, especially as she slipped one arm between their bodies, her palm heading south. When she hit his lower belly, his erection pulsed with the desperate need to be touched. But he stopped her hand, and withdrew it.

"Let me show you how it's done," he said. He then stopped any protest she may have had by kissing her again.

Will treated her with care. Every touch was soft and gentle, every kiss unhurried. Even when his tongue was in her mouth and his hand between her legs, he was in control of himself. When he rolled them over again and parted her thighs she was ready for him. He settled his weight on her comfortably the heat of his shaft burned her core as it brushed against her. Will propped himself up on his arms and started down into her eyes. Her hand ran up his ribs feeling the bones under his skin. She closed her eyes, feeling his body moving on top of her, inside of her. On instinct, she arched, and her hips came back to level. He set a steady pace pushing deep within her with every stroke.

Jade moaned as he did it over and over again, slowly though, not rushed or savagely like it had been with others. With every push and pull, she was getting hotter. And so was he. His skin glistened with a slight sheen and his flesh grew warmer over her body. His breath had grown a little ragged.

His hand dipped between her thighs. His fingers taunted her with a wicked, feathery touch all the while torturing her with his slow, steady tempo. Steadily they both inched toward their peak. Finally, Will relented quickening his pace and firmly massaging her clit. Deep inside she felt his erection twitch, felt his seed shoot uselessly into her womb. They both climaxed, small shudders running up and down their spines and bursts of pleasure behind eyelids. In that moment she bit him, taking a little bit of blood before pulling her fangs back out. As she sealed the holes with her tongue she felt a shiver go up his body.

Will caged her with his forearms holding himself steady. He was mildly sweating and his breath was heavy. His muscles still clenched with the slight after curls of phantom pleasure.

They shifted around then, Will moving to lay next to her, but made no moves after that.

Jade sat up long enough to grab a blanket off her couch before laying back down, a smile on her face.

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