How You Kill

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“I would like to see how you kill,” Hannibal stated.

“Excuse me?” Jade was shocked by what he said. What was he getting at?

“You have seen me kill...”

“Not true, I have seen the aftermath of your kills. I have not seen you actually kill.”

“Please do not interrupt.”

Jade pressed her lips together. She wasn’t sure why, but something about Hannibal often made her do what he asked.

“I would still like to see you kill.”

“You have seen me kill though.” She started moving around her kitchen, never one to stay in place. She always had to be moving.

“It is not the same. I saw you take a man’s life,  but I have not seen you murder.”

“There really isn’t that much difference between the two.”

“What are those differences exactly?”

“There’s a few...”

“Why do you not want to show me?”

Jade shrugged. “It can be pretty brutal at times...” she paused. “Nevermind,  look who I am talking to.”

“Tell me, in regards to killing what do you have left to hide?”

“I am a vampire, Hannibal. It is not in my nature to show humans much of anything, let alone how we feed.” She turned to look at him. “Why do you want to know so badly?”

“I am simply curious.”

“Curiosity killed the cat.”

A small smile played across his lips. “Well then thankfully, I am not a cat.”

“No... you're not,” she paused. “Are you?” She tilted her head to the side.

She could see the confusion on his face, he was wondering why she had spaced out like she had.

“Which is it that you really want to see, Doctor Lecter? How I kill, or how I feed?”

“There is a difference?”

“Oh, very much so.” She walked up to him, swaying her hips as she went. When she stood in front of him she ran her hands up his chest. “So which is it?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Can I not see both?”

“At the same time? It’s tricky, but I supposed it can be done.” By now he had taken a hold of her hands and had stepped away from her, something that made her pout. She really wanted to play with him, but he was making it difficult.

“You see we vampires are a funny folk. We will rip your throat out and drink your blood even if we are full. It’s just how we are. But when we feed. And I mean full on, proper feeding. That is different.”

She searched his eyes, looking for any signs of him changing his mind, but she didn’t find any.

“Fine, if you want to see meet me back here in an hour. Go to the basement, hide, and hide well.”

“Planning on killing me?” He inquired only have jesting.

“Now that, Doctor Lecter, is a secret.” She smirked at him before they both walked out of her house.

Jade left one way, while Hannibal went another. Normally she would have taken notice to which way he had gone, but this time she didn’t. She was on a mission. In fact she almost regretted giving herself only an hour. Who knows if that would be enough time to find a man, or woman, that she could bring back home in order to kill in front of Hannibal. She paused for a moment. God was she really going to do this? Show a human a vampire’s most sacred ritual: how to feed. If it had been any other human she probably would have said no and ripped their throat right then and there. But it hadn’t been. No, it had been Hannibal that asked. Because it was him yes, she would do it. She would show him.

With all that in mind Jade made her first stop at a bar. Bars were always good during this time of day due to the fact that there was always someone there, and more often than not they were already drunk, or close to it. Unfortunately, luck was not on her side at this very moment as no one, at least no one decent, was in the bar. Groaning to herself she left and made her way to the next bar.

To Jade’s dismay she struck out at that bar too. In fact it was almost like the universe was against her for it seemed no matter which bar she went to, even going back to previous ones at times, she never found someone that was good enough to feed from. And that was the problem wasn’t it? If she was to just killed someone this wouldn’t be such a big deal. But to feed. To do that she needed someone more exquisite than bar swine. Growling she looked at her phone to check the time. She didn’t have much left. 

Right now she wished she had Pandora’s talent. What better way to get a human then to just hypnotize them into coming with her. But alas she had no such talent. Of course there were a few spells, but that would take too much time; time that she didn’t have. Guess she would have to go a bit old fashion for this. Entering the nearest store she looked around until someone caught her attention. Looking down she brushed herself off before making her way over to them. Hoping beyond hope that this would work.

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