Bloody Kiss

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Jade and Hannibal walked the streets of Baltimore trying to find the right venue for their little experiment. Jade had suggested a bar, but Hannibal had shot it down rather quickly. In fact, in most cases Hannibal seemed to be shooting down her ideas, so much so that Jade was getting a bit annoyed.

"Alright, fine. You pick a place, mister," she said with aggravation.

They stopped on the streets for a moment while he looked around. His eyes seemed to scan everything as quickly as her eyes would and it really made her stop and think what he would be like as a vampire. Considering the way he was now she couldn't see where there would be much difference. Other than the fact that his killing would be more focused on the hunt for blood, not flesh or organs.

"Care to attend a gala?"

Jade was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of his voice. Blinking she looked in the direction he was looking. He was looking at an art gallery, where there appeared to be some kind of party thing going on. She had the admit the challenge was beautiful. She had never done something like this before. Rich people sure, but not in this setting. But there was a slight problem.

"Uh ya cause I am totally wearing the right clothes for that." She clicked her tongue.

"Have you never been?"

"Hannibal, do I look like the kind of girl that goes to those boring art things?"

"It is only boring if you do not understand art, and I think you do. As for how you look, leave that to me."

She thought about it for a moment before groaning to herself. "Alright, but the first insult I hear, or glance I get, and you know I will be aware of them all, I will do my own version of art."

He paused for a moment. "I would actually like to see that."

"I am sure you would." She smirked and shook her head.

She then took his offered arm as they made their way to the little gala. Once they were in the doors though, Jade tensed. She was used to people looking at her, but it was usually done on her terms, with people on her level. This, however, was totally different. This was Hannibal's kind of people. The urge to turn to Hannibal and back out was strong, but before she even had the chance to she felt his hand squeeze her arm tightly. She turned to look at him and saw the look in his eyes. She smiled a bit.

"Psh I got this," she said while popping a collar she didn't have.

They walked together for a moment before breaking off. Even though she had threatened to kill anyone that insulted her Jade actually did no such thing. If the comment was actually directed at her she would simply respond with something rude, or above what they were saying. It wasn't long before Hannibal found his way back to her.

"Found anyone interesting?" he asked.

"Very much so. There is one gentlemen that says 'I inspire him'. In fact, he wants me to go with him to his place so he can sketch me and whatnot."

"Which gentlemen would that be?"

Jade pointed to a man that appeared to be flirting with one of the waitresses. He seemed to be a man of average height and weight and he had blond hair and amazing blue eyes. He would have been a lady killer if he wasn't so arrogant.

"Hmm," Hannibal said almost dryly. He appeared to be uninterested in her catch.

"Did I forget to mention he drugged my drink?" She carefully tilted her drink towards him and watched as he looked it over carefully.

Sure normal people wouldn't have noticed such things, which is what the guy had counted on, but Jade had seen his movements and heard the sound of the drug hitting her drink. She could also see the difference in the drink once the drug dissolved. Hannibal, who was such a drink and food connoisseur, would noticed the differences too she was sure.

"Flunitrazepam, perhaps?"

She nodded. "Or any other date rape drug. He isn't as gentlemanly as he appears to be."

"Drugs have no effect on you?" He seemed surprised by that.

"No, neither does alcohol. Our bodies are dead. Our heart doesn't pump blood through our veins to anything else. So drugs do nothing. A vampire could be a drug dealer's wet dream if we wanted to. If it's in the blood and we drink it can make us sick, but that is about it." She paused for a moment to take a sip of her tainted drink as she smiled and waved at him.

"I take it he is the one you want to kill."

Jade looked at him dead on. "People shouldn't be taking advantage of other people sexually, not like that. Whether you help me or not Hannibal that man will not survive the night."

"Very well, since you spotted him you may lure him as you please. I will meet you outside."

"Awesome sauce." She then made her way over to the man in question, a huntress smile on her face.

In cases like this Jade was such a perfect actress, really she had a knack for it. She was able to act exactly like a girl that was slowly feeling the effects of the drug. So it wasn't long before she was stumbling out of the gala with him. He thought he was leading the way to his car, but even in her "drugged" state Jade was doing a fairly good job of leading the man away. It wasn't long before Hannibal was making his way over to them.

"Where exactly did you want to do this?" he asked.

"My place of course. Before we go though sorry if this seems... rude." She smirked. She then reached out and grabbed Hannibal's hand, pulling him close. Before he could say anything they were surrendered by fire, but it didn't burn them. In a flash the fire was gone and they were standing in Jade's living room. She let the random stranger go, but kept her hold on Hannibal. "Don't let go yet or you will get sick," she said softly to him.

Right after she said that the stranger started throwing up on her floor. She made a face of disgust before slowly letting go of Hannibal.

"If you start to feel sick just take slow, deep breaths; it should pass." She then turned her full attention to the man they had taken.

"What the hell is going on here?!" the man bellowed, as he tried to get his bearings.

One of the things Jade loved about flame travel; it could really mess a human up. "You've been a very naughty boy." She tsked.

"You stupid bi..."

But she cut him off as she grabbed his throat, squeezing it enough to cut off his air flow. "I did not say you could talk," she growled. She then grabbed a fist full of hair and jerked his head back before licking his neck. "I would be afraid if I were you. We are going to kill you, that is not a question," she purred. She walked around him, her hand still gripping his hair. Once she was behind him she pinned his body to her's. "He is all your's, Hannibal," she cooed. She saw him pull a linoleum knife from his pocket, before he stepped up and stabbed it into the man stomach. He then proceeded to cut straight across his abdomen.

Jade laughed as the man screamed in pain before she violent bit into his neck. She really didn't need the blood, but she didn't care. She was going to enjoy this just as much as Hannibal was. Once she had enough she dropped the man to the floor and looked at Hannibal. She licked her lips seductively before pulling him into a kiss.

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