12. You Just Have To Ask About That Now, Don't You?

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Chapter 12

You Just Have To Ask About That Now, Don't You?



Later that night before I went downstairs for dinner, I was sitting in my bed after taking a shower and dressing in my most comfortable clothes that weren't pajamas – jeans, t-shirt, and a jacket.

The picture frame Ed sent was in my hands and I staring down at it as I traced the edge with my finger.  Every time my eyes went to John's face, the slight smile on his lips as he slept with me in his arms, my heart would twist in wanting.  But for now, the picture was just a memory and wouldn't become reality again for who knew how long. 

I was setting the frame up when there was a knock on my door and Ryan looking inside.  His eyes immediately went to it, narrowing slightly without even realizing it, before up at me. 

"Dinner's ready.  Kate was all for decorating the kitchen, but I stopped her before she could break out the glitter."

I laughed, shaking my head as I stood and walked toward him.  "I don't look like the glitter kind of girl, do I?"

He grinned, shaking his head.  "No, you certainly do not."

Ryan grabbed my hand then, pulling me toward him before placing an unsuspected kiss on my forehead.  Sure, it was a little weird, but comforting in the same way.  It didn't seem that way to him, though, because he wouldn't even look me in the eyes as we walked down the hallway toward the back staircase.  He didn't even let go of my hand like he normally would have and I felt his fingers tighten slightly around mine whenever I tried to pull away to see what he'd do. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as we headed down the hallway lined in windows.  Past the back patio, I could see everyone sitting around the kitchen table already...along with a few glittery streamers hanging from the ceiling that Kate had somehow got past him. 

"Yeah, I'm fine," he nodded, running his fingers through his hair roughly.  "I've just...thinking about something lately.  But it's nothing you need to worry about now."

I grinned, trying to lighten the mood.  "You, thinking?  That can't be good."

It got him to laugh, even though it seemed a little forced.  "No, it can't, can it?"

We got to the kitchen a few moments later and a loud chorus of Happy Birthdays was called out.  I smiled, shaking my head at the streamers and the cake in the center of the table with nineteen candles.  Yeah, whatever, Ryan.  Telling me that not much was going to happen...sure.

"You didn't have to do this," I smiled at Kate as she came in for a hug.

Her arms were tight around me before she leaned back to kiss my cheek.  "Well, of course, we had to do something.  A birthday comes only once a year."

"Emmy!" Aiden and Sterling squealed, pushing their bodies in between us.  I grinned down at the boys as they wrapped their arms around my waist.  "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you very much," I said, maneuvering out of their grips so I could kneel down eye-level with them, and quirked an eyebrow.  "So...did you get me anything?"

The two of them looked at each other with wide eyes before back at me.  "No."

"We wanted to..." Aiden started.

"But Mummy said that yous didn't want anything!" Sterling continued. 

"Don't be mad!  We'll get something tomorrow!"

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